Home > News Release > JMA/WMO Training Workshop on Calibration and Maintenance of Meteorological Instruments in RA II (ASIA)

JMA/WMO Training Workshop on Calibration and Maintenance of Meteorological Instruments in RA II (ASIA)

19-22 February 2013

Workshop Outline

In collaboration with WMO, JMA held a training workshop on the calibration and maintenance of meteorological instruments from 19 to 22 February, 2013, at its headquarters and at the Regional Instrument Centre (RIC) in Tsukuba. The objective of the training was to improve understanding of measurement traceability and related skills in RA II Member countries. The workshop was a follow-up activity by RIC Tsukuba (as part of its contribution to the implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observation System (WIGOS) in RA II) to the JMA/WMO Workshop on Quality Management in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations in 2010, as well as the Survey on Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations and Quality Management of 2010 and the Questionnaire on Meteorological Instruments, Calibration and Training of 2011.   

The workshop was attended by 13 experts from NMHSs in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, the Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam as well as a meteorological instrument expert from RIC Beijing. The training included lectures on the traceability and maintenance of meteorological instruments and exercises on instrument calibration for pressure, humidity and temperature. Participants gave comprehensive and detailed presentations on weather observation instruments used in their own countries as a way of highlighting current situations and challenges faced by individual NMHSs. 


The documents (program, list of participants, lectures, country reports, practices, etc.) are here.

Final Report

The Final Report is here (on WMO website). (PDF, 632KB)


