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Visit by Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) Director-General Dr. Ghulam Rasul
and delegation on 31 March 2016

Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) Director-General Dr. Ghulam Rasul led a delegation on a visit to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) on 31 March 2016.

Dr. Rasul and the delegation paid a courtesy visit to JMA Director-General Noritake Nishide and engaged in discussions on future collaboration in the field of meteorological and climatological services.

The visitors also discussed technical matters with Dr. Toshihiko Hashida, the Director-General of JMA's Forecast Department, and were given a tour of JMA operational centers.

Visit by PMD Director-General
Courtesy visit to Mr. Nishide
Visit by PMD Director-General Visit by PMD	 Director-General
(Left) Discussion with Dr. Hashida      (Right) Tour of JMA operational centers