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Transparency_0Over the last 20 years my research funding has come mostly from government sources, with some generous support from the Florida strawberry industry and a small amount from strawberry-producing companies.

My first support from “Big Ag” was September of 2017, a small grant to fund exploratory work in small molecule discovery that (almost) funded a single Ph.D.-level researcher for a year, with no budget for supplies, reagents or materials. That ended after one year.

All funding information has been 100% public record, and I’ve met every standard of transparency mandated by my institution.  However, to address the concerns of critics that allege undue corporate influence in my communications efforts, I have voluntarily exceeded all standards and all conventions.

As public, academic scientists we do not have budgets for travel, so costs must be included in grants, or our sponsors must reimburse us for our costs. A detailed accounting of all funds provided for reimbursement for travel down to my parking costs at the airport was provided until May 1, 2019.

Unfortunately this over-and-above accounting only attracted more harassment about reimbursement.  Anonymous public records requests have recently been received at the university, demanding copies of receipts and other details beyond those presented.  It was not a record or two (which would be fine) it was details for hundreds of records, receipts, etc that would be almost impossible to produce.  It would require literally hundreds of person hours to fulfill the requests from anonymous requesting parties, a tremendous waste of university resources and my time– that should be dedicated to research, teaching and extension.

Unfortunately the abuse of an offer of above-and-beyond transparency has made it impossible to maintain.  Therefore, I am forced to retreat to standard reporting as mandated by the university.

In May of 2017 I initiated work for a law firm as a subject matter expert in a private arbitration between two parties. The nature of the work was analysis of old data, and all aspects of the project were confidential by contract.

Prior to 2020 I received no funding for consulting services. That will change in 2020, as services previously rendered for free as part of my university appointment will be pursued as paid consulting on vacation time.

My research funding history can be seen here.

An abbreviated CV is presented here, and is only a fraction of what I do.

If you have questions, send an email.  I’m always glad to answer your questions, but will not tolerate abuse or harassment.
