Studies in the History and Language of the Sarmatians

J. Harmatta


4. Conclusions

If we sum up the results of our observations we get the following picture
Old Iranian
Iranian of South Russia
*ar-y ar-(y)- al- ir- il- īr- īr-
*au au ō     ō u
*sp sp sf fs   fs fs
*p- p- f-     f- f-
*fri- fli- li-     li- lə-
*ri- r l     l l
*n -n *n     -on -on
*m -m *m     -om -om
*gr gr rg     rγ, lγ rγ, lγ
*vi- vi- i-     i-
*ha- ha- (χa-) a-     χa-, a- χa-, a-
*χš χš- š-     χs- χs


Thus the examination of the Pontic Greek inscriptions and the Iranian names preserved in classical sources on South Russia clearly shows that, as early as the first centuries A. D., the language of the Iranian tribes inhabiting the steppes of Eastern Europe was by no means homogeneous. The phonemic differences appearing in the names amply prove that these tribes spoke several dialects, obviously corresponding to the nature of their tribal division. This fact is important for several reason. First of all, the picture which we derive, after examining these names, about the linguistic condition of the Iranian tribes in South Russia is in entire harmony with the observations made by us above concerning the language of the Median and Persian tribes. Secondly, this result enables us to approach the examination of the realationship between the Finno-Ugrian and the Iranian languages from a new angle: the realization that there existed several Iranian languages or dialectes in South Russia will make it possible to interpret several phonemic features, hitherto unexplained, in the Iranian loan-words of the Finno-Ugrian languages.

Naturally, it would be extremely important, both for clearing up the dialectology of the Iranian languages and the historical background of Finno-Ugrian and Iranian linguistic connections if we could give a precise ethnical delimitation to the various Iranian dialects. But this is a very difficult task. At present most of the names cannot be assigned to any definite tribes nor do we know how the various phonemic differences crystallize into structural features which separate the dialects from one another. But the problem is not insoluble. First of all, we can gather some indications from  the names themselves. Thus e. g. those dialects which give us the names  and , in spite of the difference in the development of Old Iranian initial *p- are nevertheless united by certain common features since they show a similar development of the Old Iranian group of phonemes -ϑr-. The same development of the Old Iranian group of phonemes -ϑr- is seen, however, also in the name , so that we may assume its close connection with the former dialects. Moreover, since in the people's name  we see the same development of the Old Iranian initial group of phonemes *ary- as in the name , this word, too, must be included in this group. Thus we are beginning to see the outlines of a group of dialects which, on the strength of certain phonemic criteria, is connected with Ossetian though it is clearly distinguishable from the latter by other phonemic phenomena. At the same time, there are some Sarmatian dialects which are fairly distant from either group (cp. e. g. Iazygian  and Thatean ). Besides these phonemic connections arising from the names themselves, a careful comparison of the geographical distribution of the names with the historical sources, as well as the examination of the historical and ethnical conditions in the various Greek settlements, a task recently attempted by Knipovich in his book on Tanais ( 1949) — all this will make possible the ethnical and historical evaluation of the linguistic differences established in this essay. This much we may safely say, in any case, that on the ground of phonemic criteria alone one may distinguish at least four languages or dialects: through the various concatenations of phonemic peculiarities this number will be doubled.

The fact that the Iranian tribes of South Russia spoke several languages or dialects, clearly distinguishable from one another, as early as the first centuries A. D., has important consequences in clearing up the linguistic relations between Sarmatians, Alans, and Ossetes. Although this question may be solved only by a close examination of Alanic linguistic remains and the history of Ossetian phonemes, we may confidently state that the simple, generalizing historical identification of the language of


the Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, and present-day Ossetes is not a probable proposition. Since the names hailing from the territory of the Alans as well as of the other Sarmatian tribes point to the existence of several dialects, it is obvious that the language of the Sarmatians or that of the Alans as a whole cannot be simply regarded as being Old Ossetian. Moreover, some of the Sarmatian dialects show certain phonemic peculiarities (e. g. -ān > -ōn) which are quite recent developments in Ossetian. The same situation prevails also in Alanic. Thus e. g. the name  (Tanais 225 A. D.,  No. 327) shows already the change from Old Iranian, syāva- to the form sau which is characteristic of Ossetian. At the same time, however, we see in this word also the change -ān > -ōn which is a much later development in Ossetian. Thus this Alanic name from Tanais (: sāuanōn < Old Iranian *syāva-nāna-), together with other names pointing in the same direction, is a clear proof that Ossetian only represents the outcome of a single Alanic dialect group, the historical development of which was different from that of the Sarmatian dialects attested by the Iranian names occurring in the inscriptions of the North Pontic Greek cities.

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猼祴敬ਾ楬摛瑡ⵡ整瑳摩∽硥汣摵彥敫睹牯≤ⱝ楤孶慤慴琭獥楴㵤瀢灯汵牡戭慲摮≳ⱝ洮牥慎楶慧楴湯潂瑴浯⸬扫䥺啮搬癩摛瑡ⵡ整瑳摩∽档捥潫瑵戭瑵潴⵮潣瑮楡敮≲ⱝ瑛硥㵴蒂苣鎁臣ꪃ苣袃崢洬牥渭癡杩瑡潩⵮潢瑴浯⸬癧穸扷⸬敭乲癡杩瑡潩呮灯敍畮瑉浥⸬牰浩牡役晟㤴慢愱ⱡ敭⵲湩潦浲瑡潩⵮畢扢敬癛牡慩瑮∽牴湡楳楴湯崢⸬湥ⵤ敳瑣潩Ɱ洊牥琭扡椭整孭慶畬㵥⼢祭江獩≴ⱝ慮孶汳瑯∽湥≤ⱝ湛浡㵥異捲慨敳ⱝ潦瑯牥ਬ楤孶慤慴氭捯瑡潩㵮椢整彭敤慴汩㩳潣浭湥㩴潰瑳扟瑵潴≮ⱝ摛瑡ⵡ整瑳摩∽灯湥戭祵敥氭湩≫ⱝ摛瑡ⵡ整瑳摩∽牣獯⵳潢摲牥戭湡敮≲ⱝ愊桛敲㵦⼢敳汬崢愬桛敲㵦⼢潴潤≳ⱝ楤孶慤慴琭獥楴㵤猢杩楮⵮楳湧灵渭癡崢ਬ孡慤慴氭捯瑡潩㵮栢浯㩥敲潣浭湥㩤潣灭湯湥㩴慢湮牥崢⸬捤祯呎⸬楣楩晊Ⰺ楤孶慤慴琭獥楴㵤琢扡≳੝⸬佨扉䵅⸬䥫牰奙⸬䱩䉈䍅⸬畫畘塣ਊ摻獩汰祡渺湯⁥椡灭牯慴瑮紻ਊ洮牥慎楶慧楴湯潔⁰渮癡杩瑡潩呮灯彟搶㤸〳ㅦ橻獵楴祦挭湯整瑮挺湥整⁲椡灭牯慴瑮紻⌊桳湵潴杮戭祵捻牵潳㩲瀠楯瑮牥戻牯敤㩲㬰楤灳慬㩹潮敮栻楥桧㩴㌠瀳㭸楷瑤㩨㤱瀰㭸慢正牧畯摮挭汯牯›杲⡢㔲‵‱㜱㬩潣潬㩲⌠晦㭦潢摲牥爭摡畩㩳㌠硰紻⌊牴湡汳瑡潩筮楤灳慬㩹渠湯㭥੽琣慲獮慬楴湯猾汥捥⁴੻††††灡数牡湡散›潮敮਻††††眭扥楫⵴灡数牡湡散›潮敮਻††††洭穯愭灰慥慲据㩥渠湯㭥 †††戠牯敤㩲ㄠ硰猠汯摩⌠㕦㑦㑦਻††††潢摲牥爭摡畩㩳㐠硰਻††††敨杩瑨›⸲攲㭭 †††瀠摡楤杮›‰㐲硰〠㠠硰਻††††潦瑮昭浡汩㩹椠桮牥瑩਻††††潣潬㩲⌠㘶㬶 †††挠牵潳㩲瀠楯瑮牥਻††††潰楳楴湯›敲慬楴敶਻††††慢正牧畯摮›牵⡬搧瑡㩡浩条⽥湰㭧慢敳㐶椬䉖剏ぷ䝋潧䅁䅁华桕啅䅧䅁杂䅁䅁䍙䵁䅁䑁煘㍣䅋䅁十䉆噍啅䅁䑁⼯⼯穎㍣穎㍣ㅖ塤穎㍣積積積積積積穎㍣穏㝳㑪倫積積積積積積穐⼸積積穎㍣穏㝳穏㝳積積穎㍣穎㍣穎ㅣ扭湶䅃䅁䝁剈呓䵬䅁浹䉏瑲獖刹偬湧汐硴汐睗剶穊瑂䌫畓畘䅴䅁䵁氰充剖渴䵇䉙杢䱁捹楪䥇婕慅䕔䱂㑬䩗䕧婏婧䱣睑批䱏扳橈〸戰䕨䙂潱挷䅦䅃癃䅤慒㡵灣䅸䅁䅁汅呆卫兵䍭❃
潮爭灥慥⁴楲桧⁴散瑮牥਻††੽猣畨瑮湯ⵧ桳牡筥畣獲牯›潰湩整㭲楤灳慬㩹潮敮栻楥桧㩴㌠瀳㭸楷瑤㩨㤱瀰㭸潣潬㩲爠执㈨㔵ㄠㄠ⤷戻牯敤⵲慲楤獵›瀳㭸潢摲牥›瀱⁸潳楬⁤杲⡢㔲‵‱㜱紩⌊桳湵潴杮挭汯敬瑣捻牵潳㩲瀠楯瑮牥搻獩汰祡渺湯㭥敨杩瑨›㌳硰眻摩桴ㄺ〹硰挻汯牯›杲⡢㔲‵‱㜱㬩潢摲牥爭摡畩㩳㌠硰戻牯敤㩲ㄠ硰猠汯摩爠执㈨㔵ㄠㄠ⤷੽猣畨瑮湯ⵧ瑳汹筥⵺湩敤㩸㤹㤹瀻獯瑩潩㩮映硩摥爻杩瑨›┳琻灯ㄺ┵紻⌊桳湵潴杮猭祴敬搾癩浻牡楧⵮潴㩰㈠瀰絸⸊桳湵潴杮甭敳楲普筯⵺湩敤㩸㤹㤹瀻獯瑩潩㩮映硩摥琻灯㈺㬥楲桧㩴〠琻硥⵴污杩㩮挠湥整㭲楷瑤㩨㈠┰栻楥桧㩴㠠㬥潣潬㩲⌠愷愷愷 †††素⸊桳湵潴杮甭敳楲普㹯灳湡浻牡楧⵮敬瑦›┳੽献畨瑮湯ⵧ獵牥湩潦椠杭灻獯瑩潩㩮爠汥瑡癩㭥潴㩰瀵絸㰊猯祴敬ਾ搼癩椠㵤猢畨瑮湯ⵧ瑳汹≥ਾ††搼癩椠㵤琢慲獮慬楴湯㸢 †††㰠灳湡☾扮灳㰻浩⁧牳㵣⼢瑳瑡捩椯杭是湡楹瀮杮•楷瑤㵨㈢∵栠楥桧㵴㈢∵愠瑬∽•瑳汹㵥瀢獯瑩潩㩮爠汥瑡癩㭥潴㩰瀶≸☾扮灳뮿꿨骼⼼灳湡ਾ††⼼楤㹶 †㰠楤㹶 †††㰠畢瑴湯椠㵤猢畨瑮湯ⵧ桳牡≥ꖟ鳧涋牥慣楲軥떡鷩㲢戯瑵潴㹮 †㰠搯癩ਾ††搼癩ਾ††††戼瑵潴摩∽桳湵潴杮挭汯敬瑣•湯汣捩㵫挢汯敬瑣⤨㸢铦辗꿨蚕鏥㲁戯瑵潴㹮 †㰠搯癩ਾ††搼癩ਾ††††戼瑵潴摩∽桳湵潴杮戭祵•湯汣捩㵫挢敲瑡佥摲牥⤨㸢ꯧ뎍룤閍⼼畢瑴湯ਾ††⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾ猼牣灩⁴牳㵣⼢瑳瑡捩樯⽳煪敵祲洮湩樮≳㰾猯牣灩㹴㰊捳楲瑰猠捲∽猯慴楴⽣慬敹⽲慬敹⹲獪㸢⼼捳楲瑰ਾ猼牣灩⁴牳㵣⼢瑳瑡捩樯⽳牴湡汳樮㽳㵡∱㰾猯牣灩㹴㰊捳楲瑰猠捲∽猯慴楴⽣獪氯獩整癮敩⹷獪㸢⼼捳楲瑰ਾ猼牣灩㹴椊⁦ℨ潬慣卬潴慲敧朮瑥瑉浥∨牰癩瑡䭥祥⤢
੻††潬慣卬潴慲敧献瑥瑉浥∨扡献潴慲敧洮獥慳楧杮敓獳潩卮慴瑲㜮ㄸ愷晣ⴴ㥤㘵㐭㠴ⴷ㐹㙣㤭㈹㤳㔷㐸㕣≣‬笢≜屶㨢㘱㘷㠱㜶ㄴㄵ紳⤢ †氠捯污瑓牯条⹥敳䥴整⡭椢㠱敮瑸湌≧‬樢≡਩††潬慣卬潴慲敧献瑥瑉浥∨潬䑧灵楬慣楴湯Ⱒ∠屻匢剃䕅彎䥄偓䅌㩙潨敭爺捥浯敭摮≜ㄺ㜶ㄶ㜸ㄶ㘱㌸尬䔢偘剅䵉久彔䡃䍅㩋䅃偍ⴱ㤴㔳灟楲慶祣损湯敳瑮睟扥≜ㄺ㜶ㄶ㜸ㄶ㈵㈸尬䔢偘剅䵉久彔䡃䍅㩋䍈㌭㠸桟汥彰散瑮牥瑟灯牟汥慥敳≜ㄺ㜶ㄶ㜸ㄶ㘱㐴尬䔢偘剅䵉久彔䡃䍅㩋华啍ⵇㄱ㜰睟扥灟潲畤瑣灟条履㨢㘱㘷㠱㘷ㄱ㐶ⰴ≜塅䕐䥒䕍呎䍟䕈䭃䌺䵁ㅐ㔭〰弱敷形潴慟灰潟扮慯摲湩屧㨢㘱㘷㠱㘷ㄱ㐶ⰸ≜塅䕐䥒䕍呎䍟䕈䭃为䵓䝕㐭〵江獩彴楶睥楟彮敳灲≜ㄺ㜶ㄶ㜸ㄶ㠵〴≽਩††潬慣卬潴慲敧献瑥瑉浥∨敭捲牡⹩牢穡ⵥ条湥⹴牢穡卥獥楳湯Ⱒ∠屻氢獡䉴慲敺敓獳潩䥮層㨢畮汬≽਩††潬慣卬潴慲敧献瑥瑉浥∨敭捲牡⹩牢穡ⵥ条湥⹴慬瑳捁楴楶祴Ⱒ∠㜲㌹㐶〶⤢ †氠捯污瑓牯条⹥敳䥴整⡭洢牥慣楲戮慲敺愭敧瑮献牣敥≮‬笢≜楶楳整層㨢屻琢浩汥湩履㨢慦獬ⱥ≜瑩浥摟瑥楡屬㨢慦獬絥≽਩††潬慣卬潴慲敧献瑥瑉浥∨敭捲牡⹩牢穡ⵥ条湥⹴獵牥Ⱒ∠屻爢来獩整敲䅤屴㨢畮汬≽਩††潬慣卬潴慲敧献瑥瑉浥∨牰癩瑡䭥祥Ⱒ∠屻挢癲≜尺倢㈭㘵≜尬搢≜尺栢㍗湂畆煌氵煊䱆噋捩敢䐵䑂噹ⵑ噏硓㌷儵煃湚挸≜尬攢瑸≜琺畲ⱥ≜敫役灯屳㨢屛猢杩屮崢尬欢祴≜尺䔢屃Ⱒ≜屸㨢≜啒䝩眴㝍瑈䅗告栳㍔桡㉄呬䘸㍕㉬彑ふ婨㥦祰㥲屫Ⱒ≜屹㨢≜佂畇㉷湬⵸瘱楁敤噴啔煎㍨䰷㐳啯䉋態敏䄱㡩湊屯索⤢ †氠捯污瑓牯条⹥敳䥴整⡭瀢扵楬䭣祥Ⱒ∠屻挢癲≜尺倢㈭㘵≜尬攢瑸≜琺畲ⱥ≜敫役灯屳㨢屛瘢牥晩屹崢尬欢祴≜尺䔢屃Ⱒ≜屸㨢≜啒䝩眴㝍瑈䅗告栳㍔桡㉄呬䘸㍕㉬彑ふ婨㥦祰㥲屫Ⱒ≜屹㨢≜佂畇㉷湬⵸瘱楁敤噴啔煎㍨䰷㐳啯䉋態敏䄱㡩湊屯索⤢ †氠捯污瑓牯条⹥敳䥴整⡭猢杩䥮≮‬昢污敳⤢ †氠捯污瑓牯条⹥敳䥴整⡭產極≤‬㠢昶㈳㈸ⴴ愷㜰㐭愸ⵣ㍢㕡㈭㔸昰挴捥㘸∵਩੽敬⁴畣牲湥䍴摯⁥‽潬慣卬潴慲敧朮瑥瑉浥✨獵牥牐晥牥湥散畃牲湥祣潃敤⤧਻晩⠠挡牵敲瑮潃敤簠⁼畣牲湥䍴摯⁥㴡✠䨢奐✢
੻††††慬敹⹲獭⡧꒭闥膓럥꺔蟥膼⤧ †††爠瑥牵੮††੽††慶⁲整‽潬慣楴湯瀮瑡湨浡⹥灳楬⡴⼧⤧਻††潧摯䥳⁤‽整孭整⹭敬杮桴ⴠㄠ㭝 †ਠ††晩⠠⸤獩浅瑰佹橢捥⡴潧摯䥳普⥯
੻††††潧摯䥳普‽睡楡⁴⸤敧⡴⼧牵⵬㠶㐷㐷〷㌷愳昲昲ㄶ〷㤶攲搶㔶㈷㌶ㄶ㈷㤶攲愶〷椯整獭术瑥椿㵤‧‫潧摯䥳⥤ †††朠潯獤湉潦㴠朠潯獤湉潦搮瑡੡††੽††敬⁴潣敤㴠✠敳汬牥ਧ††晩⠠潧摯䥳普☦⠠猧楨灰湩彧慰敹❲椠潧摯䥳普⥯
੻††††潣敤㴠朠潯獤湉潦献楨灰湩彧慰敹⹲潣敤 †素 †椠⁦挨摯⁥㴽‽戧祵牥⤧笠 †††氠祡牥挮湯楦浲✨戼猠祴敬∽潣潬㩲〣〰㸢꿨ꊮ跥蒚韦겜鯥薆뿨릴飦낈믤貼鳩膦껥랈蟨財触薋⼼㹢Ⱗ笠琠瑩敬✺迦몤紧‬畦据楴湯椨摮硥
੻†††††慬敹⹲潬摡㌨㬩 †††††␠瀮獯⡴⼧桳湵潴杮振敲瑡佥摲牥Ⱗ笠潧摯䥳㩤朠潯獤摉ⱽ映湵瑣潩爨獥
੻††††††††††慣敳〠਺††††††††††††敳晬氮捯瑡潩⹮牨晥㴠✠猯畨瑮湯⽧慰㽹牯敤䥲㵤‧‫敲⹳慤慴漮摲牥摉 †††††††††††戠敲歡਻††††††††††慣敳ⴠ㨱 †††††††††††眠湩潤⹷潬慣楴湯栮敲⁦‽⼧桳湵潴杮氯杯湩ਧ††††††††††††牢慥㭫†† †††††††††挠獡⁥㨵 †††††††††††⼠ 볥鞪ꇧ꒮ †††††††††††氠祡牥挮湯楦浲爨獥洮杳‬⁻楴汴㩥ꚭ釥➊ⱽ映湵瑣潩⡮湩敤⥸笠 †††††††††††††氠祡牥氮慯⡤⤳਻††††††††††††††⸤潰瑳✨猯畨瑮湯⽧牣慥整牏敤❲‬杻潯獤摉›潧摯䥳Ɽ挠湯楦浲∺∱ⱽ映湵瑣潩爨獥
੻††††††††††††††††††慣敳〠਺††††††††††††††††††††敳晬氮捯瑡潩⹮牨晥㴠✠猯畨瑮湯⽧慰㽹牯敤䥲㵤‧‫敲⹳慤慴漮摲牥摉 †††††††††††††††††††戠敲歡਻††††††††††††††††††慣敳ⴠ㨱 †††††††††††††††††††猠汥⹦潬慣楴湯栮敲⁦‽⼧桳湵潴杮氯杯湩ਧ††††††††††††††††††††牢慥㭫 †††††††††††††††††搠晥畡瑬਺††††††††††††††††††††慬敹⹲污牥⡴敲⹳獭Ⱨ笠捩湯›紲㬩 †††††††††††††††素 †††††††††††††素‬樧潳❮㬩 †††††††††††素㬩 †††††††††††戠敲歡਻††††††††††敤慦汵㩴 †††††††††††氠祡牥愮敬瑲爨獥洮杳‬楻潣㩮㈠⥽਻††††††††੽††††††ⱽ∠獪湯⤢ †††素㬩 †素攠獬⁥੻††††慬敹⹲潬摡㌨㬩 †††␠瀮獯⡴⼧桳湵潴杮振敲瑡佥摲牥Ⱗ笠潧摯䥳㩤朠潯獤摉ⱽ映湵瑣潩爨獥
੻††††††††慣敳〠਺††††††††††敳晬氮捯瑡潩⹮牨晥㴠✠猯畨瑮湯⽧慰㽹牯敤䥲㵤‧‫敲⹳慤慴漮摲牥摉 †††††††††戠敲歡਻††††††††慣敳ⴠ㨱 †††††††††眠湩潤⹷潬慣楴湯栮敲⁦‽⼧桳湵潴杮氯杯湩ਧ††††††††††牢慥㭫††ਠ††††††††慣敳㔠਺††††††††††⼯림ꫧ꺡껨ત††††††††††慬敹⹲潣普物⡭敲⹳獭Ⱨ笠琠瑩敬✺귨誑紧‬畦据楴湯椨摮硥
੻††††††††††††慬敹⹲潬摡㌨㬩 †††††††††††␠瀮獯⡴⼧桳湵潴杮振敲瑡佥摲牥Ⱗ笠潧摯䥳㩤朠潯獤摉‬潣普物㩭ㄢ索‬畦据楴湯⠠敲⥳笠 †††††††††††††氠祡牥挮潬敳汁⡬㬩 †††††††††††††猠楷捴⁨爨獥挮摯⥥笠 †††††††††††††††挠獡⁥㨰 †††††††††††††††††猠汥⹦潬慣楴湯栮敲⁦‽⼧桳湵潴杮瀯祡漿摲牥摉✽⬠爠獥搮瑡⹡牯敤䥲੤††††††††††††††††††牢慥㭫 †††††††††††††††挠獡⁥ㄭ਺††††††††††††††††††敳晬氮捯瑡潩⹮牨晥㴠✠猯畨瑮湯⽧潬楧❮ †††††††††††††††††戠敲歡਻††††††††††††††††敤慦汵㩴 †††††††††††††††††氠祡牥愮敬瑲爨獥洮杳‬楻潣㩮㈠⥽਻††††††††††††††੽††††††††††††ⱽ✠獪湯⤧਻††††††††††⥽਻††††††††††牢慥㭫 †††††††搠晥畡瑬਺††††††††††慬敹⹲污牥⡴敲⹳獭Ⱨ笠捩湯›紲㬩 †††††素 †††素‬樢潳≮਩††੽੽畦据楴湯挠汯敬瑣⤨笠 †椠⁦搨捯浵湥⹴畱牥卹汥捥潴⡲嬧污㵴潳摬❝⤩笠 †††氠祡牥洮杳✨귦蚕鏥늷铥몇볯➁਩††††敲畴湲 †素 †瘠牡琠浥㴠氠捯瑡潩⹮慰桴慮敭献汰瑩✨✯㬩 †朠潯獤摉㴠琠浥瑛浥氮湥瑧⁨‭崱਻††⸤潰瑳✨猯畨瑮湯⽧潣汬捥❴‬杻潯獤摉›潧摯䥳絤‬畦据楴湯⠠敲⥳笠 †††氠祡牥挮潬敳汁⡬㬩 †††猠楷捴⁨爨獥挮摯⥥笠 †††††挠獡⁥㨰 †††††††氠祡牥洮杳✨铦辗闥膓裦龊Ⱗ笠捩湯›紱㬩 †††††††戠敲歡਻††††††慣敳ⴠ㨱 †††††††眠湩潤⹷潬慣楴湯栮敲⁦‽⼧桳湵潴杮氯杯湩ਧ††††††††牢慥㭫†††††††ਠ††††††敤慦汵㩴 †††††††氠祡牥愮敬瑲爨獥洮杳‬楻潣㩮㈠⥽਻††††੽††ⱽ∠獪湯⤢紊㰊猯牣灩㹴㰊捳楲瑰ਾ畦据楴湯爠湵慃汬慢正癅牥㕹洰⡳慣汬慢正‬敲牴⁹‽〱
੻††敬⁴潣湵⁴‽㬰 †挠污扬捡⡫਩††潣獮⁴湩整癲污摉㴠猠瑥湉整癲污⠨
㸽笠 †††挠污扬捡⡫㬩 †††挠畯瑮⬫਻††††晩⠠潣湵⁴‾敲牴⥹笠 †††††挠敬牡湉整癲污椨瑮牥慶䥬⥤਻††††੽††ⱽㄠ〰㬩紊 †琠慲獮慬整椮楮⡴琧慲獮慬楴湯⤧ †氠瑥愠摤楈瑳牯䵹瑥潨⁤‽敮⁷摡䵤瑥潨⡤਩††楷摮睯愮摤楈瑳牯䱹獩整敮⁲‽摡䡤獩潴祲敍桴摯✨楨瑳牯捹慨杮❥㬩 †栠獩潴祲瀮獵卨慴整㴠愠摤楈瑳牯䵹瑥潨⡤瀧獵卨慴整⤧਻††楨瑳牯⹹敲汰捡卥慴整㴠愠摤楈瑳牯䵹瑥潨⡤爧灥慬散瑓瑡❥㬩 †眠湩潤⹷摡䡤獩潴祲楌瑳湥牥✨楨瑳牯❹昬湵瑣潩⡮
੻††††牴湡汳瑡⹥敲瑳牯卥汥捥却慴畴⡳㬩 †††氠瑥猠慨敲㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮祂摉✨桳湵潴杮猭慨敲⤧ †††氠瑥挠汯敬瑣㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮祂摉✨桳湵潴杮挭汯敬瑣⤧ †††氠瑥戠祵瑂‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥䉴䥹⡤猧畨瑮湯ⵧ畢❹㬩 †††氠瑥映湡楹㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮祂摉✨牴湡汳瑡潩❮㬩 †††氠瑥猠祴敬㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮祂摉✨桳湵潴杮猭祴敬⤧਻††††⼯돦辄뿨ꪸ雦閳迥膦럨놔迥龔迥隌냥骼ꋨꚧ迥ઑ††††晩⠠潬慣楴湯瀮瑡湨浡⹥汳捩⡥ⰰ㔠
㴽‽⼧瑩浥⤧笠 †††††氠瑥琠浥㴠氠捯瑡潩⹮慰桴慮敭献汰瑩✨✯㬩 †††††氠瑥朠潯獤摉㴠琠浥瑛浥氮湥瑧⁨‭崱਻††††††⸤敧⡴⼧桳湵潴杮椯整⽭瑳瑡獵椿㵤‧‫潧摯䥳Ɽ映湵瑣潩爨獥
੻†††††††††畢䉹湴献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠汢捯❫ †††††††素 †††††素਩††††††慦祮⹩瑳汹⹥楤灳慬⁹‽戧潬正㬧 †††††猠慨敲献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠汢捯❫਻††††††瑳汹⹥瑳汹⹥楤灳慬⁹‽戧潬正㬧 †††††挠汯敬瑣献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠汢捯❫਻††††††桳牡⹥湯汣捩‽畦据楴湯⠠
੻††††††††楷摮睯漮数⡮栧瑴獰⼺樯⹰敭捲牡⹩潣⽭瑩浥✯⬠朠潯獤摉‬弧汢湡❫㬩 †††††素 †††††⼠ 藩膀雦閳 †††††爠湵慃汬慢正癅牥㕹洰⡳畦据楴湯⠠
‾楤⹶捳㐭摢㈰㜲ⴴ⸰浦䡆獗㸠搠癩⤧ †††††††椠⁦猨潨灰湩⹧敬杮桴㸠〠
㸽笠 †††††††††††椠⁦⼨藩膀臣릖돦⾕琮獥⡴瑩浥琮硥䍴湯整瑮⤩笠 †††††††††††††椠整⹭瑳汹⹥潣潬⁲‽⌧晦㜵㈲ਧ††††††††††††††瑩浥献祴敬昮湯坴楥桧⁴‽戧汯❤ †††††††††††††椠整⹭瑳汹⹥潦瑮楓敺㴠✠㠱硰ਧ†††††††††††††† †††††††††††††氠瑥氠晥呴瑩敬㴠椠整⹭畱牥卹汥捥潴⡲⸧楴汴彥㍟挲慢㔴✷਩††††††††††††††晩⠠敬瑦楔汴⥥笠 †††††††††††††††氠晥呴瑩敬献祴敬昮湯却穩⁥‽ㄧ瀸❸ †††††††††††††素 †††††††††††††ਠ††††††††††††੽††††††††††⥽ †††††††素 †††††素‬〲਩†††††† †††素攠獬⁥੻††††††⼯椠⁦氨捯瑡潩⹮慰桴慮敭㴠㴽∠∯簠⁼潬慣楴湯瀮瑡湨浡⁥㴽‽∢
੻††††††⼯††猠汥⹦潬慣楴湯栮敲⁦‽⼧ਧ††††††⼯††爠瑥牵㭮 †††††⼠ ੽††††††畢䉹湴献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠潮敮㬧 †††††猠慨敲献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠潮敮㬧 †††††映湡楹献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠潮敮㬧 †††††猠祴敬献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠潮敮㬧 †††††挠汯敬瑣献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠潮敮㬧 †††††⼠ 볥뚈潢祤ꃦ込룤목 †††††爠湵慃汬慢正癅牥㕹洰⡳畦据楴湯⠠
੻††††††††潤畣敭瑮戮摯⹹敳䅴瑴楲畢整✨瑳汹❥‬✧਩††††††ⱽ㈠⤰ †††素 †素਩⼼捳楲瑰