Are students failing the system? Or is the system failing our students? What would happen if we salvaged what is left of a "happy" student? Or even...
News channels need to increase coverage on environmental issues in order to raise awareness.
Schools should switch their starting hour from an early start like 7:00 A.M. to a later start like 10:00 A.M., so that students can have more sleep...
Schools should enact policies to help prevent, and hopefully end, bullying.
How would you feel if you were rejected from a college in favor of someone less qualified? This is a reality for many Americans, and is something t...
American schools are not adequately preparing their students for college
Higher Education and Immigration/Stereotypes
Many brilliant high school students who are accepted in various colleges and universities face the struggle of not being able to afford the overpri...
This article expains on how many students need to have a better education and today how focusing is difficult.
Education is a major part of America's future.
I discuss the issues that face all schools from elementary to college. It has facts and personal experience/views. It also has a few ideas on ways ...
costs to pursue a education should be lowered or taken away
The real nightmare all students have to face and why we should put an end to it.
Just few suggestions from students who stay up late nights just to finish homework
The difference in pay for the caretakers of our youth
This is a letter to the next president about how many people can't afford to go to college in this day in age.
This letter addresses the need for the government to help students get help with their mental health disorders.
You are President of the United States, "Forgive and forget," no longer applies.
Our video was written and produced last spring in conjunction with KQED's #whatsmyissue video campaign. It's time to insure equitable funding in ou...
Things need to change in the schools
Dear President, I want to tell you that it is a disservice not to honor the academic work of immigrant students by having them repeat school within...
we need to learn to love.
A look at how the high cost of college education is impossible for most families.
Uniforms may seem like a small contribution to America, but the possible gains of requiring uniforms in schools in America are surprising.
The education budget for our future should be one of the highest priorities because we are the future.
Mental health has been put aside for too long in school. Let's talk about that.
High schools don't teach us enough about fundamental life lessons
I'm not writing a letter for the future president of the United States, I'm writing a letter to get a grade for my writing class and to contribute ...
Discrepancies between low-income and high-income students in American public schools
Dear Next President: Should the government fund higher education? With rising costs in college education, the answer is YES! This infographic provi...
Poor treatment of Native Americans and Alaska Natives is evident in education, poverty rates and job earnings, physical and mental health, substanc...
I believe that with the help of the next president of the United States we can all help to end the inequality between sexes as well as to stop the ...
A look at what really needs to be reformed in Education.
Education is really important, which means you need enough sleep to get through the day.
Preschool is a vital part of children's learning. It should be mandatory in every state.
Girls need education for a successful nation.
What is the issue with student loans? #lessdebtlessworry
The problem with people not going to college.
What are your plans after school ? What do you want to be when you grow up ? What college do you plan on going to ?
Food is taken for granted, but do we really have that right?
Albert Einstein once stated, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life thinking t...
I would like to tell you some things that need to be fixed in our country and some ways they could be.
It needs to be more equal and fair
Students are dropping out of school due to lack of education. This is a call to action for the president to make sure that all schools add FUN to t...
I support the thought that the biggest issue in America is that we aren't that great at fixing issues. We need a better education system.
starting school at a later time for health benefits.
High school students need better information and options regarding their current and future education.
Teachers play one of the most significant roles in kids' lives. By increasing their pay, we could assure that children are receiving the best educa...
Education needs a fix-up. These kids all around the World, THEY ARE OUR NEXT GENERATION!!!!! We need to see what is wrong with education and fix it...
The education system must change in order to intellectually, culturally, and emotionally enrich today's students.
Sleep deprivation is affecting the education of students around the world. Read more to see how the future president could change this!
Currently, the age for becoming an adult in the U.S is 18. When you are 18 you are usually still a senior in highschool and your brain is not yet f...
What good is our education if we can't even concentrate during it?
I believe that there is a gap in the quality of education that should be closed to create equal opportunities for all students across the nation.
Standardized testing is something that we need in life. It could just be something that is a little less apparent in our lives.
The cost of higher education is preventing many from participating
Illegal Immigration has affected me in several ways
Education is the key to life. It will help you everyday.
Persuasive Letter with reasons to have Free College Education.
This letter addresses the need for a change in education, namely the implementation of unregulated play.
I think every students should have a very strong education support from school, because we are the future, without a very good education the future...
The public schooling in America needs to change because it is not effective and has many flaws, such as homework for a lot of students and also no...
Homework has a very big impact on students, in good and BAD ways...
This letter is about the ways education is received and how it needs to be changed to adapt to the learner.
A discussion of the importance of education in America
This paper goes over the possible changes that american schools could have done to improve student experience and educational qualification while r...
In this letter, I am addressing why tablets should replace textbooks in classroom learning.
Shay Hardwick hopes to see arts education take on a higher priority in the next presidential administration.
College athletes should not be paid.
Today I want to tell you something about Education Funding.
To fix education for the greater good of our country. Kids need better education.
Where would one be in life without the access to a great education to pave the path of the future ahead of them? This is a reality to many all over...
This letter explains why standardized testing is bad for our education.
We need to provide the diversity courses for students and spend money to support education.
By investing in our youth, we are investing in our future.
Our education systems need to recognize our best and brightest and to meet their needs. By Claire B.
Muslim students can not access the free lunch program because of the lack of halal food.
Free education
Free Education!
The United States has the most expensive college tuition in the world. Student debt has tripled in the last 8 years, with the total amount of debt ...
In this essay i talk about how college debt. How college debt has gone up in the last couple years and why it costs so much to go to college.
If the cost keeps rising then college will become inaccessible to most students.
A letter to the future president regarding the celebration of Columbus day, and its negative effects on our definitions of "hero" and "monster", o...
The next US President needs to enhance America’s schooling system by assuring a good, high quality, efficient, balanced education for everyone; gra...
All students want is a good meal for lunch to stay focused during the day. How are we expected to do that if the lunches are disgusting? We need to...
Teachers unions are holding our school systems back from hiring the teachers necessary to boost our education system and give children the futures ...
State testing needs to be banned! Standardized tests put too much stress on students who need to be focusing on school work and not these tests.
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
Not everyone learns the same. Still, public school systems do not teach in comprehensive, engaging, and creative ways. I believe that there should ...
The Biggest Problem within Schools
An analysis of the flaws in the American education system from a presidential standpoint and how best to fix them.
There are many different controversies that find themselves in our world today. There are so many topics that deserve the attention and care of the...
Teachers are essential building blocks to creating a better society. Without them, America would be nowhere as advanced as it is today. So then why...
More after school activities
Teach for America was a good idea, but was poorly executed.
A short film about education in America and why our country is ranked so low in education compared to other parts of the world. The video talks abo...
This letter is requesting an end to standardized testing in the United States.
This letter asks the next president to promote the importance of raising awareness and increasing knowledge of mental health on a national stage.
Standardized testing should not be the way to evaluate whether a student should move on or not.