Commuters at King's Cross were left stunned when the Sugababes suddenly emerged from a billboard for an unexpected gig at the station.

The pop trio appeared after a curious Londoner pressed a mysterious button labelled 'push for something sweet', triggering the band to start performing their 2005 hit, 'Push the Button'.

The band, made up of original members, Mutya Buena, Keisha Buchanan, and Siobhan Donaghy, were unveiled from behind replica lift doors, echoing the song's music video.

The staged concert marked the launch of Sky Broadband's new 24/7 switching support service. A humorous new video features the Sugababes proposing the 'Suga Broadband Babes' collaboration by using their nostalgic music catalogue to persuade Sky bosses they're the ideal fit for the campaign.

The band said: "We had so much fun surprising everyone at King's Cross today as the Suga Broadband Babes. It's great to see people loving 'Push the Button'."

A crowd of commuters gathers around as a member of public 'Pushes for something sweet' (

The broadband provider also surveyed 2,000 Brits to discover what they would want to do at the push of a button.

Over a third (36%) would instantly travel to a dream holiday destination, and 34% would achieve peak physical fitness immediately. Meanwhile, one in 10 (11%) commuters would use a magical button to transport them to work and crucially, back home instantly.

New research has revealed the top tasks people wish they could make disappear at the touch of a button, with cleaning the bathroom (36%) and doing laundry (26%) topping the list, while 6% would love to magic away the hassle of switching broadband providers.

The trio appeared from behind elevator doors just like their 2005 video of 'Push the Button' (

On average, those considering switching internet providers have been deliberating for almost five months, with nearly a third (32%) of those who have made the switch describing the process as difficult.

Despite this, internet users have only changed providers an average of three times in the past decade, but 28% are currently looking to make a change.

Amber Pine, managing director of Sky Connectivity, said: "Just like the Sugababes, we know a thing or two about switching."

"That's why we've launched our dedicated 24/7 switching support service, so customers can get through to a real person for help any time day, or night."