This is a triumph for people power. Through the Daily Mirror, the rail unions and the biggest parliamentary petition ever, they have forced the Tories to perform a spectacular U-turn.
Rail companies have been “asked” to withdraw the hated nationwide rail ticket office closure plan and they have no option but to agree. Service for the travelling public at 974 stations will remain, and 2,800 staff will keep their jobs.
For how long? It’s hard to believe that this is the end of the story.
Rail companies had the full backing of Tory ministers for their plans to shut down the entire ticket office network – until now. What’s changed? The electoral calculation. Transport Secretary Mark Harper says he has listened to objections from the public, and changed his mind.
A likely story. He’s done a U-turn because the voters in a string of by-elections have shown how unpopular the policy is, particularly among the disabled and elderly who rely on a human face behind the counter. It cost too many votes, so it had to go.
For now. But the rail operators, having determined on a cost-cutting, staff-sacking strategy, will not give as easily as the politicians.
Company bosses reacted with fury to the “request”, insisting that their savage cutbacks had been approved by the Department for Transport. They will be back for more, travellers can count on that. In their year-long pay and conditions dispute with the rail unions, costing over £1 billion, they’ve shown total intransigence.
That’s why we must sustain and re-energise the unrivalled coalition of support for the campaign to keep open the national network of ticket offices that has claimed victory. The rail unions, the transport groups, the councils and Labour Mayors, the voters in Westminster polls and above all the 680,000 people who signed greatest parliamentary petition of modern times, deserve congratulations for a famous victory.
But experience tells me that this is a battle won, not necessarily the war. Is this just a tactical withdrawal by the Tories, in the face of overwhelming public hostility?
Hard-faced Harper was talking only last week of a “phased” programme of closures, with the scheme piloted in some areas: the death of the ticket office by a thousand cuts. He’s pulled back now, but is he genuinely abandoning the journey, or merely changing trains and not the destination?