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Asking someone to move seats on a flight? Aibu ?

816 replies

wearejustfriends · 18/04/2022 14:31

Last week I was travelling to Gran Canaria with TUI.
I had booked mine and boyfriends seats when we booked and paid £22 for both.
I had the window and he had the middle.

A lady sat on the end and her daughter was in front.
She asked could they have our two seats and we have hers /daughters or my boyfriend switch with her daughter.
I politely said no.
Which she wasn't happy about.
We got "what difference does it make"
"Your adults,my daughter is sacred of flying and is a minor"

Anyway we wouldn't move.

Was I in the wrong ?
Surely if she was that bothered she could have paid like us.

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Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:35

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troll hunting

Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:36

giveovernate · 09/09/2022 20:21

@Moviemusic1984 could you highlight it? I really can't see it?

@Moviemusic1984 can you highlight?

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Moviemusic1984 · 09/09/2022 20:39

Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:31

More literacy issues. this poster asked you why you were "browsing" MN, didn't say you cannot post, just said your fucking odd.

You've changed the whole post..... and then tried to dictate that the OP should've posted elsewhere? Whilst you say say that saying that people saying where you can and cannot post is disrespectful?

You are so weird!

Do not cuss at me, it is no better than me calling the original poster a "b word." Foul language is foul language whatever gender is using it.

Do not insult me just for using this site. You can think that, but given that logic, I can consider the original poster odd for posting the incident here, not that different really, and in every way just as fair.

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rainbowmilk · 09/09/2022 20:45

There’s a big difference between swearing and misogynistic slurs. Your continuing to minimise what you said is why people think that you haven’t apologised.

The “apology” - for those asking - is on p.31 at 16.10. Wording:

I apologize for my vulgar behavior, and for using the "b" word, although it can apply to either gender.


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Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:45

Moviemusic1984 · 09/09/2022 20:39

Do not cuss at me, it is no better than me calling the original poster a "b word." Foul language is foul language whatever gender is using it.

Do not insult me just for using this site. You can think that, but given that logic, I can consider the original poster odd for posting the incident here, not that different really, and in every way just as fair.

Where did I cuss you?

Cuss is a derivative of curse?

But you are fucking odd!

Can you highlight were you apologised, I cannot find it.

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Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:47

rainbowmilk · 09/09/2022 20:45

There’s a big difference between swearing and misogynistic slurs. Your continuing to minimise what you said is why people think that you haven’t apologised.

The “apology” - for those asking - is on p.31 at 16.10. Wording:

I apologize for my vulgar behavior, and for using the "b" word, although it can apply to either gender.


I assumed that wasn't an apology as followed up with a "but!"

Bit like when my boys were young, one would do something wrong to his brother and when told to apologise would do so, but with a but......

Victim blaming IMO

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Moviemusic1984 · 09/09/2022 20:49

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Moviemusic1984 · 09/09/2022 20:52

Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:47

I assumed that wasn't an apology as followed up with a "but!"

Bit like when my boys were young, one would do something wrong to his brother and when told to apologise would do so, but with a but......

Victim blaming IMO

Then perhaps you do not understand what a sincere apology is. I said it. I meant it. Do not classify the previous actions of your son with my actions, entirely different. I acknowledged my poor behavior and I apologized for it. I should not have to feel bad for it, and the fact that many of you are making me feel bad about it is just upsetting.

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Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:53

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Feel free to report my post!

You called a woman a bitch! Disgusting!

Stop with the whole "b" word bollocks!

Your apology was a victim blaming quote!

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Moviemusic1984 · 09/09/2022 20:57

Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:45

Where did I cuss you?

Cuss is a derivative of curse?

But you are fucking odd!

Can you highlight were you apologised, I cannot find it.

I apologize for my vulgar behavior, and for using the "b" word, although it can apply to either gender.

I said it here, and I was not justifying myself in saying it, I was just addressing that women have said it to and about men as well, which is not any more excusable. It is a terrible word, no one should say it, but since we are all only human, we do slip from time to time, and we should not be held responsible for merely one small action.

But you are fucking odd!

Right there. Yes, that is an offensive word as well, as well as s--t, and you have no more right to say it than I do with a word I said only initially once, and did not even plan to from the get go.

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Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 20:58

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I think you mean a misandrist not misandrists?

Not at all to either, just don't think you're a nice man.

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Backtobacknow · 09/09/2022 21:00

Moviemusic1984 · 09/09/2022 20:57

I apologize for my vulgar behavior, and for using the "b" word, although it can apply to either gender.

I said it here, and I was not justifying myself in saying it, I was just addressing that women have said it to and about men as well, which is not any more excusable. It is a terrible word, no one should say it, but since we are all only human, we do slip from time to time, and we should not be held responsible for merely one small action.

But you are fucking odd!

Right there. Yes, that is an offensive word as well, as well as s--t, and you have no more right to say it than I do with a word I said only initially once, and did not even plan to from the get go.

Right there. Yes, that is an offensive word as well, as well as s--t, and you have no more right to say it than I do with a word I said only initially once, and did not even plan to from the get go.

Makes no sense

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rainbowmilk · 09/09/2022 21:05

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Yes, I am. You can say you believe whatever you like, but your language and your pitiful torrent of excuses are what I’ll go by.

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marcopront · 09/09/2022 21:07


I did not justify what the mother did, I was merely stating that since the original poster said that she too gets nervous during flights when the plane takes off that she should have been at least sympathetic towards the plight of the daughter. I am not upset or angry that she did not exchange seats, I am just a bit perplexed why she could not at least feel compassion for the child given her own history with flights. I am actually a bit shocked why the majority who are applauding her actions here are in fact people who do have children.

The child's mother showed no sympathy to her child. If she did she would have booked a seat.

You want a random stranger to show more care about where the child would sit than her mother.

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Greenpolkadot · 09/09/2022 21:33

MLMsuperfan · 19/04/2022 08:33

I once booked seats on a train and when it arrived the train was packed and an elderly couple were occupying my booked spots. I did ask them to move and got some dark looks from the other passengers. I felt pretty bad about it but they did have the same chance to book that I had.

Did they move ?

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avamiah · 09/09/2022 23:21

I am sick of hearing about situations like this to be honest.

Its simple, if I have paid and booked for a particular seat ( aisle) in my case and I’m travelling alone then I have no problem changing ( swapping my seat ) as long as it is to another aisle seat.

I am Not going to change to another seat if it’s not a aisle seat and that’s that end of conversation.

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