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Élie Cartan

AKA Élie Joseph Cartan

Born: 9-Apr-1869
Birthplace: Dolomieu, France
Died: 6-May-1951
Location of death: Paris, France
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Mathematician, Physicist

Nationality: France
Executive summary: Spinor groups

French mathematician lie Cartan was noted for his work on differentiable manifolds, his discovery of spinor groups as exponentials of the orthogonal algebras, and his development of a system of calculus called exterior differential forms. He corresponded with Albert Einstein about general relativity, and his son was the mathematician Henri Cartan.

Father: Joseph Cartan (blacksmith)
Mother: Anne Cottaz
Wife: Marie-Louise Bianconi (m. 1903)
Son: Henri Cartan (mathematician, b. 1904, d. 2008)
Son: Jean Cartan (composer, b. 1906, d. 1931)
Son: Louis Cartan (French Resistance, d. 1943 World War II)

    High School: Lycée Jeanson-de-Sailly, Grenoble, France (1888)
    University: DSc Mathematics, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France (1894)
    Teacher: Mathematics, University of Montpellier (1894-96)
    Teacher: Mathematics, University of Lyon (1896-1903)
    Professor: Mathematics, University of Nancy (1903-09)
    Teacher: Mathematics, Sorbonne (1909-12)
    Professor: Calculus, Sorbonne (1912-20)
    Professor: Rational Mechanics, Sorbonne (1920-24)
    Professor: Geometry, Sorbonne (1924-40)

    French Academy of Sciences
    London Mathematical Society Honorary Member
    Royal Society
    Lunar Crater Cartan (4.2 N, 59.3 E, 16 km)
    French Ancestry

Author of books:
La Gomtrie des Espaces de Riemann (The Geometry of Riemann Spaces) (1925)
La Thorie des Groupes Continus et des Espaces Gnraliss (The Theory of Continuous Groups and Generalized Spaces) (1935)
Elie Cartan-Albert Einstein: Letters on Absolute Parallelism, 1929-1932 (1979, posthumous, with Albert Einstein)

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