
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Assita Sanou-Lamien” ,找到相关结果约164条。
Anatomo-Clinical Case: Coexistence of Tuberculosis with Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis in Breast Carcinoma  [PDF]
Aimé Sosthène Ouédraogo, Hierrhum Aboubacar Bambara, Franck Auguste Hermann Ademayali Ido, Welbnoaga Norbert Ramdé, Rimwaogdo Jeremie Sawadogo, Ibrahim Savadogo, Souleymane Ouattara, Hassami Barry, Assita Sanou-Lamien, Olga Melanie Lompo
Open Journal of Pathology (OJPathology) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/ojpathology.2018.84015
Abstract: Introduction: The coexistence of tuberculosis with axillary lymph node metastasis in breast carcinoma is uncommon. Observation: We report a case of a patient aged 59 years presenting a painless nodule in the right breast for one year. The scan and mammography revealed a long-axis node of 3 × 2 × 1 cm in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast ranked stage IV by the American College of Radiology (ACR), associated with a set of axillary lymph nodes and the largest one measuring 15 × 15 × 20 millimeters (mm). The breast biopsy helped diagnose a Scarff Bloom Richardson (SBR) grade II non-specific invasive carcinoma, modified by Ellis and Elston. A right mastectomy associated with a lymph node dissection was performed. We noticed a not well defined and whitish 5 mm tumor mass associated with 16 lymph nodes removed. The histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of SBR grade II non-specific invasive carcinoma with invasion of 7 lymph nodes (N+ = 7/16). In 3 metastatic lymph nodes, there were epithelioid and gigantocellular granulomas with full central necrosis. The Ziehl Neelsen staining had highlighted acid-fast bacilli. The tumor was oestrogen and progesteron receptor, without an overexpression of the oncoprotein human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which corresponds to a 0 score and the Ki 67 proliferation index assessed at 10%. The patient was given an anti-tuberculosis treatment combining Rifampicin (H), Isoniazid (I), Pyrazinamid (Z), Ethambutol (E) over 2 months and secondly a combination of Rifampicin and Isoniazid over 4 months (2RHZE/4 RH). The anti-tumor chemotherapy used a protocol combining 3 FAC60+ 3 Docetaxel (F = Fluorouracil®; A = Adriblastin®, C = Cyclophosphamid). Conclusion: This coexistence is uncommon, of incidental discovery and necessitates a multidisciplinary care.
Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA and E6/E7 mRNA from HPV Genotypes 16, 18, 31 and 33 in Histologically Confirmed Cases of Cervical Cancer and Precancerous Lesions in Burkina Faso  [PDF]
Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Shoukrat Ohuwa Toyin Bello, Prosper Bado, Rogomenoma Alice Ouédraogo, Estelle Ouédraogo, Ina Marie Angèle Traoré, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Florencia Wenkunni Djigma, Albert Théophane Yonli, Assita Sanou-Lamien, Olga Mélanie Lompo, Jacques Simpore
American Journal of Molecular Biology (AJMB) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ajmb.2023.134019
Abstract: Introduction: Cervical cancer, caused by persistent high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, remains a global public health problem. The cellular transformation and maintenance of the malignant phenotype of these HPVs are attributed to the viral oncoproteins E6 and E7. Objective: This study aims to detect the presence of human papillomavirus DNA and E6/E7 oncoprotein mRNA of HPV genotypes 16, 18, 31 and 33 in cases of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions, histologically confirmed in Burkina Faso. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study focused on cases of cervical cancer and high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and was conducted from June to December 2022. One hundred (100) samples of fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues were collected from the pathological anatomy and cytology laboratories of hospitals in the capital of Burkina Faso. High-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) DNA was detected using multiplex real-time PCR, while the presence of E6 and E7 mRNA in cervical cancer and high-grade CIN samples was determined using real-time Reverse Transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) with TaqMan probes. Results: The mean age of women diagnosed with cervical cancer and high-grade CIN was 50.81 ± 13.65 years, ranging from 22 to 82 years. Cervical cancer and high-grade CIN were positive for at least one high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) in 80% of cases. The most prevalent genotypes observed were HPV16, 18, 31, and 33, collectively accounting for 70.08% of cases. Of the 89 samples that tested positive for HR-HPV genotypes 16, 18, 31, and 33, 88 (98.88%; 95% CI: [94.58 - 99.94]) were also positive for the presence of mRNA encoding the E6 and E7 oncoproteins of HPV16, 18, 31, and 33. Conclusion: In the presence of HPV DNA, testing for E6 and E7 oncoprotein mRNA could serve as a promising biomarker and valuable tool for improved assessment of the progression to cervical cancer.
Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis Revealed by an Occlusive Syndrome: A Case Report  [PDF]
Franck Auguste Hermann Adémayali Ido, Aimé Sosthène Ouédraogo, Ibrahim Savadogo, Rakiswendé Alexis Ouédraogo, Souleymane Ouattara, Assita Lamien-Sanou, Olga Mélanie Lompo
Open Journal of Pathology (OJPathology) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ojpathology.2023.134021
Abstract: Introduction: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is a rare condition characterized by the presence of gas cysts in the intestinal wall. It can affect different segments of the digestive tract. Male patients over 50 years old seem to be more affected. Classically, one opposes the primary or idiopathic forms and the secondary forms. Case Report: We report the case of a 62-year-old female patient with a history of treated peptic ulcers, who presented with episodes of intermittent atypical abdominal pain that worsened abruptly. The physical examination revealed a surgical abdomen with tenderness to palpation. The patient underwent a jejunal resection. The pathological examination showed macroscopically an intestinal fragment with confluent subserosal and intestinal intraparietal bullae. On opening, the portion containing the bullae was thickened, infarcted, congestive, hemorrhagic, and brittle with narrowing of the intestinal lumen. The bullae are tense and leave serosities. On histological examination, the intestinal wall was very congestive with hemorrhagic patches of suffusion. There were optically empty cystic formations that do not communicate with the digestive lumen. The adjacent mucosa is the site of a moderate subacute inflammatory reaction. Conclusion: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is a rare and usually benign pathology. The symptoms, when they exist, are not specific. Its physiopathology is still very much debated. The prognosis is generally good. The knowledge of this pathology is necessary to avoid invasive explorations and heavy treatment without interest for the patient.
A Case of Cerebral Aspergillosis in a Patient with Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia  [PDF]
Aimé Sosthène Ouédraogo, Franck Auguste Hermann Adémayali Ido, Ibrahim Savadogo, Souleymane Ouattara, Rakiswendé Alexis Ouédraogo, Assita Lamien Sanou, Olga Mélanie Lompo
Open Journal of Pathology (OJPathology) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ojpathology.2023.134022
Abstract: Cerebral aspergillosis commonly affects immunocompromised hosts, primarily patients on immunosuppressive therapy and those with acquired or immunodeficient states such as AIDS. We report a case of cerebral aspergillosis in a 39-year-old woman with a history of treated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Multiple fragments of fixed tissues with formalin were freshly sent to the laboratory. An extemporaneous examination was performed by spreading. The rest of the sample was embedded in paraffin and studied according to the standard histological method with special stains and an immunohistochemical study. A microscopic observation showed abundant clusters of tangled mycelial filaments, Grocott+. At the edge, a nervous tissue was observed remodeled by an abundant inflammatory infiltrate consisting essentially of small lymphocytes and plasma cells. Additional immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-CD20, anti-CD3, anti-CD5, anti-CD23, anti-Bcl2, anti-Ki67, anti-IgD and anti-Kappa and Lamda antibodies. All taken together there were no further founding in support of a secondary localization of CLL. Cerebral aspergillosis is quite rare and often occurs in a context of immunosuppression. This case indicates the importance of a close collaboration between clinicians and pathologists for optimal patient care.
De la philosophie des concours littéraires au Burkina Faso
Salaka Sanou
Tydskrif vir letterkunde , 2004,
Abstract: The philosophy of literary competitions in Burkina Faso [French] As an emerging country, Burkina Faso is in a situation where writers and literary production need the State's support to build up a worthwhile body of literature. To understand the role accorded to the State, we must go back in time and analyse the roles played by academies and patrons in the promotion of French literature. According to researchers, the literature of France owes its national and international influence not only to those who produced literature, but also to institutions and individuals who committed themselves to specific actions. These were the academies and patrons, each of whom concentrated on a specific area: while the academies contributed to socialize, train, acknowledge, and publicize writers, patrons gave them glory and financial reward. In Burkina Faso, it is the State, through its cultural organs, which has replaced private, individual and/or collective initiatives by contributing to the establishment of the literary corpus. The State's policy revolves around organizing literary competitions whose guiding principles are the encouragement of creators, creative freedom and the promotion of the major literary genres and award-winning writers through media coverage and publication of their works. To implement its policy, the State has instituted two competitions: the National Arts and Letters Award (Grand Prix national des Arts et des Lettres – G.P.N.A.L.) and the President's Literary Award (Grand Prix littéraire du Président du Faso – G.P.L.P.F.). The first was awarded for the 12th time in 2002 with 1008 manuscripts entered. Since 1998, the number of participants has been steadily increasing. The main reasons for this are the increases in the cash prizes awarded and the publication opportunities offered to award winners. Manuscripts accepted for this award may be in French or the three national languages (Moore, Dioula and Fulani). Created only in 1994, the G.P.L.P.F. is a recent literary competition, having been awarded only three times so far. The prizes it awards are higher than those of the G.P.N.A.L., both in cash and in kind. However, it only concerns novels. The growing Burkinabe literary corpus has thus benefited from the valuable support of the State, through the literary competitions organized by the national cultural organs. Key Words: academies, patrons, literary corpus, literary contest, Burkinabe literature. De la philosophie des concours littéraires au Burkina Faso Le Burkina Faso, pays émergent, se trouve dans une situation où les écrivains et la production littéraire ont besoin d'un appui et d'un soutien de l'Etat pour constituer un champ littéraire digne de ce nom. Pour comprendre ce r le dévolu à l'Etat, il est nécessaire de remonter dans le temps, en analysant celui joué par les académies et les mécènes dans la promotion de la littérature fran aise. Les études ont montré que celle-ci doit son rayonnement national et international grace non
Littérature et masque : une étude comparée de leur fonctionnement comme institutions
S Sanou
Tydskrif vir letterkunde , 2007,
Abstract: Le fonctionnement de la littérature comme une institution est connu et a été suffisamment développé dans les études littéraires ;cela a permis aux différents théoriciens de définir l'institution et de montrer l'autonomie du champ littéraire producteur de valeurs qui sont transmises selon des codes. Le masque en Afrique est une réalité culturelle et cultuelle au-delà de sa dimension artistique ; il constitue, dans les sociétés où il existe, une référence sociale, un régulateur de la vie sociale. En particulier chez les Bobo du Burkina Faso, il est l'élément, la structure de socialisation par excellence de l'individu. En observant le fonctionnement de la littérature et du masque, nous avons été frappé par des similitudes qui nous ont conduit à nous demander si l'on ne pouvait pas considérer le masque comme une institution au même titre que la littérature. Pour répondre à notre interrogation, nous avons procédé à une approche théorique des deux phénomènes pour ensuite mettre en parallèle leur fonctionnement ; et notre conclusion est formelle : le masque est une institution comme la littérature et à ce titre, il peut faire l'objet d'une étude sous cet angle.
Literature and mask: a comparative study of their functioning as institutions
S Sanou
Tydskrif vir letterkunde , 2007,
Burkina Faso : Littérature émergente et création artistique – l'identité culturelle par la littérature et les arts
S Sanou
Tydskrif vir letterkunde , 2007,
Abstract: No Tydskriff vir Letterkunde Vol. 44 (1) 2007: pp. 193-201
Analysis of GNSS Interference Impact on Society and Evaluation of Spectrum Protection Strategies  [PDF]
Do Alexis Sanou, René Jr. Landry
Positioning (POS) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/pos.2013.42017

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology is growing fast in our society and new applications are being introduced at an unprecedented pace. The GNSS products provide worldwide and real-time services using precise timing information, positioning and synchronization technologies. Within years, GNSS applications are becoming more accurate and their precision opens doors to a wide range of applications. Nevertheless, these applications are susceptible to disruption in the operation of GNSS receivers when malfunctions, failures or interference occur. This paper’s objective is to make an overall analysis of GNSS failure impact on society and therefore make a review of GNSS spectrum protection strategies. In the first three sections of this analysis, we survey GNSS applications, their importance and their criticality. While questioning the criticality of GNSS applications, we evaluate their impact on main critical infrastructures and particularly the risks of critical dependencies in case of failure or interference. In the last two sections, we investigate GNSS spectrum interference in relation to its effects on crucial infrastructures. We review the principal Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) sources leading to GNSS and satellite communications (SATCOM) spectrum issues. Alongside, we study various ways to mitigate RFI. This process is essential to further develop and standardize mitigation techniques and to ensure GNSS spectrum immunity against RFI.

Contribution to Improving the Management of Sewage Sludge in the Western Region: Case of Bafoussam 1st  [PDF]
Félicite Obono Mba, Ngongang Sanou
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2022.103009
Abstract: Sanitation is a particularly sensitive issue in the world, especially in Africa where local communities are plagued by the problem of managing sludge which is causing a lot of damage in Africa and mainly in Cameroon. This study aims to contribute to improving the management of sewage sludge in the municipality of Bafoussam 1st. For this study, the methodology used is field survey. The questionnaire was submitted to 120 households in the commune of Bafoussam 1st, in particular, we take into account knowledge of the health and environmental risks that can result from improper handling of sludge and its treatment. The results show that the most widespread sanitation system is traditional latrines. Similarly, 79.19% of those surveyed dump, the sludge collected at the landfill against only 14.28% who dump it in fields and 6.53% have no idea about the fate of the sludge from their sanitary facilities. It should also be noted that 55.83% of the people surveyed are not aware of the health and environmental risks of untreated sewage sludge and therefore do not take the precautions to avoid it. Subsequently, 93.75% of respondents say that the current landfill would be a nuisance and the main nuisances identified are water pollution and subsequent fish poisoning. Physico-chemical analyzes of the sludge revealed values much higher than the values provided for by the WHO standards. Thus, total nitrogen and phosphate ions represented respectively 97 mg/L and 47 mg/L against 35 and 30.4 mg/L for the standard; COD and BOD5 represented respectively 3250 mg/L and 1100 mg/L against 150 and 40 mg/L provided by the WHO standards. It follows the temperature and the MES which gave values of 32.7°C and 1750 mg/L, values much higher than the standard (30°C and 50 mg/L).

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