
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Ouamini Pulchérie De Prisca Gnoumou” ,找到相关结果约195804条。
Mother-to-Child Transmission of Human Papillomavirus in Burkina Faso  [PDF]
Koudpoko Madeleine Kabre, Djénéba Ouermi, Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Fatié Porzé Wilfried Traore, Prosper Bado, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Ouamini Pulchérie De Prisca Gnoumou, Rogomenoma Alice Ouedraogo, Albert Théophane Yonli, Punya Akouélé Kuassi-Kpede, Charlemagne Marie Ragnag-Néwendé Ouedraogo, Jacques Simpore
American Journal of Molecular Biology (AJMB) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/ajmb.2024.141002
Abstract: Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most widespread sexually transmitted infection in the world. Today, there is growing evidence that HPV can be transmitted early in life, and one potential route is mother-to-child transmission. Data on this route of HPV transmission are scarce in Africa and particularly in Burkina Faso, where no data on the subject are yet available. The aim of our study was to estimate the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HPV infection and to identify circulating genotypes. Methodology: Cervico-uterine samples were collected from 100 full-term pregnant women and, buccal samples were obtained from their newborns at Hopital Saint Camille de Ouagadougou (HOSCO) by the specialist physician. HPV DNA amplification and genotyping were performed by PCR followed by hybridization using the HPV Direct Flow Chips kit, detecting 36 genotypes including 18 high-risk and 18 low-risk. Results: The prevalence of HPV in newborns was 8% (8/100). Six (6) HPV-positive neonates had HPV-positive mothers, while 2 HPV-positive neonates had HPV-negative mothers. The vertical transmission rate was 26.09% (6/23). Mother-newborn genotypes were concordant. However, the genotype profile of the newborns was more restricted than that of the mothers. Conclusion: HPV DNA was found in 8% of newborns in our study. The genotype profile of the mother-newborn pair was concordant. Asymptomatic HPV infection in a pregnant woman could constitute a risk factor for vertical transmission.
Evaluation of the Third 90 of the 90-90-90 Cascade for the Period 2019-2020 in the Central African Republic  [PDF]
Gilles Stéphane Landry Ngaya, Brice Martial Yambiyo, Alain Farra, Pulchérie Pelembi, Aubin Bere, Davy Golongba, Steve Kamadom, Alain Berlioz-Arthaud
World Journal of AIDS (WJA) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/wja.2021.114014
Abstract: Introduction In Central-African Republic, according to UNAIDS in 2019, out of approximately 100,000 people living with HIV, 70% (72,000) knew their HIV status and 47,000 (46%) were on ARV therapy; however, there is a paucity of data on viral load suppression in people on ARV therapy. The objective of this study was to assess the third 90 of the UNAIDS strategy for the years 2019 and 2020 in the CAR. Methods We analyzed the available viral load data extracted from the data base of the medical analysis laboratory (SYSLAM) of the Institut Pasteur of Bangui for the years 2019 and 2020. The viral loads were determined based on plasma collected in an EDTA tube with Cepheid’s GeneXpert® 16-module controllers. Viral load data were extracted from SYSLAM, converted to Excel format, and analyzed with STATA version 14 software. The significance threshold for the statistical tests was set at 5%. Results This study included 22,895 patients, of who 72% were female. The average age was 40.82 years, and the majority of the patients (80%) came from the city of Bangui. Regarding the virological parameters associated with this study, 66% of the patients had significant viral load suppression according to the WHO recommendations and 34% were in virological failure. Patients over 50 years of age (71.85%) and age group 40 - 49 years (69.25%) recorded significant levels of viral load suppression. On the other hand, 63.45% of patients under 18 years of age had virological failure. All of these results were statistically significant (p < 0.005). Conclusion There should be a concerted effort, to make viral load accessible and available to all patients receiving ARV treatment in the CAR and the management of HIV/AIDS infection of children and adolescents should be given special attention.
Biological Profile of HIV-Positive Patients in Bangui, Central African Republic, in 2017  [PDF]
Yawo Tufa Nyasenu, Alain Farra, Brice Martial Yambiyo, Alexandre Manirakiza, Fernand Didier Padou, Ferdinand Yapou, Pulchérie Pelembi, Rodolphe Mambely-Nzako, Marie-Jo?lle Mandeng, Alain Berlioz-Arthaud, Pierre-Alain Rubbo, Jean-Pierre Lombart
World Journal of AIDS (WJA) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/wja.2018.81002
Background: The biological profile of HIV-positive patients is essential for diagnosing treatment failure and the prognosis of infection. We determined the virological and immunological profiles and biological anomalies of HIV-positive people on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Bangui, Central Afri-can Republic. Methods: We conducted an analytical, descriptive study be-tween 4 April and 30 September 2017 of all patients who had received ART for more than 12 months and who attended the Medical Analysis Laboratory of the Institut Pasteur in Bangui for a complete biological work-up, including viral load. A blood sample was taken for quantification of RNA HIV-1, CD4 lymphocytes and blood count in two tubes containing ethylenediamine te-traacetic acid, and another sample was taken in a dry tube for measurement of creatinine and transaminases. Results: The total population comprised 1748 patients, with a mean age of 38.7 years (±14.3; median, 41 years; range, 2 - 79 years); 33.3% of patients were between 40 and 49 years old. Females predo-minated (71.3%), for a sex ratio of 0.4. Immunological failure was observed in 20.2% of patients (CD4 < 200 cells/μL), and 44.5% of patients had a load of RNA HIV-1 ≥ 1000 copies/mL. The main haematological anomalies were anaemia (28.0%), leukopenia (26.7%), neutropenia (42.1%) and lymphopenia (27.2%). Blood creatinine was abnormal in 61.0% of patients, ALAT in 57.0% and ASAT in 66.9%. Conclusion: The abnormalities observed in this study concerned the haematopoietic system, the liver and the kidneys. As other or-gans and systems may be affected, periodic multidisciplinary biological and clinical follow-up is necessary for people living with HIV in order to improve their management.
Occurrence of Proteus mirabilis associated with two species of venezuelan oysters
Fernández-Delgado, Milagro;Contreras, Monica;García-Amado, María Alexandra;Gueneau, Pulchérie;Suárez, Paula;
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de S?o Paulo , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0036-46652007000600004
Abstract: the fecal contamination of raw seafood by indicators and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms represents a public health concern. the objective of this study was to investigate the presence of enteric bacteria colonizing oysters collected from a venezuelan touristic area. oyster samples were collected at the northwestern coast of venezuela and local salinity, ph, temperature, and dissolved oxygen of seawater were recorded. total and fecal coliforms were measured for the assessment of the microbiological quality of water and oysters, using the multiple tube fermentation technique. analyses were made using cultures and 16s rrna gene sequencing. diverse enrichment and selective culture methods were used to isolate enteric bacteria. we obtained pure cultures of gram-negative straight rods with fimbriae from isognomon alatus and crassostrea rhizophorae. our results show that p. mirabilis was predominant under our culture conditions. we confirmed the identity of the cultures by biochemical tests, 16s rrna gene sequencing, and data analysis. other enterobacteria such as escherichia coli, morganella morganii and klebsiella pneumoniae were also isolated from seawater and oysters. the presence of pathogenic bacteria in oysters could have serious epidemiological implications and a potential human health risk associated with consumption of raw seafood.
Species Richness and Spatial Distribution of Pathogenic Vibrio (Bacteria, Vibrionaceae) in Tropical Surface Waters: Yaoundé Metropolis Case (Cameroon, Central Africa)
Tamatcho Kweyang Blandine Pulchérie,Fotsing Kwetche Pierre René,Nougang Mireille Ebiane,Zébazé Togouet Serge Hubert
Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences , 2012,
Abstract: In the present study, six species of Vibrio that are potential human pathogens have been isolated from surface water resources in an urban environment and have been identified. The variation of some physico-chemical factors known to have significant effects on bacterial growth and spread are also considered. The latter include: electrical conductivity, pH, total suspended solids, temperature, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, and rate of water flow. All investigations were conducted according to standard methods. Application of classical bacteriological techniques led to the identification of six species of the genus. Vibrio cholera, Vibrio fluvialis, Vibrio mimicus, Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus. Vibrio cholerae was isolated in all water sampling points, with the highest frequency 79% upstream the Mfoundi River at Etoa-Meki. Rates of isolation of Vibrio mimicus increased with increased O2 (p<0.05). Identification of these potential pathogens is a serious public health hazard highlighting the needs for resource management.
Higher Studies in Foreign Lands, Diploma Equivalent and Integration into the World of Work: Gabon-China Case Study  [PDF]
Prisca Tatiana Akourou Kiemi
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2021.96029
Abstract: Today’s world is opening up to great bilateral trade. Cooperation agreements keep growing and the countries of the world are getting closer and closer. As part of education, world universities are filled with students of different nationalities, for all available professional training. Faced with different education systems, students experience adaptations and certain challenges, both on foreign lands and after their studies back in their country of origin. And these adaptations and challenges must also be recognized by the countries of origin. Thus, this study mainly deals with the issue of Gabonese students in Chinese territory, for higher studies, the equivalence of diplomas and integration into the labor market after graduation. It also offers some suggestions and recommendations to meet the challenges posed for a promising and better future for African youth and more particularly for Gabonese youth. But it is also with a view to improving cooperation relations between countries for a win-win cooperation.
Critical Remarks on Shortcuts to Happiness: the Relevance of Effort and Pain
Valérie De Prycker
Philosophica , 2007,
Abstract: This paper discloses and questions two assumptions on happiness that are implied by medical and technological proposals for mood enhancement. The first assumption holds that happiness consists of the indiscriminate maximization of positive and minimization of negative emotions. Second, mood enhancement implies the belief that an effortless enhancement of positive emotions will increase happiness. These assumptions are questioned by investigating the validity of the common sense slogan No pain, no gain . Support for this claim is found in literature on adversity and happiness, effort and happiness, and in evolutionary psychology. From these research domains it is shown that adversity, pain, bother or effort should not always be regarded as negative experiences to be avoided in the pursuit for happiness. In some cases they can contribute to a person s quality of life. By questioning the indiscriminate and effortless enhancement of positive emotions and avoidance of negative ones, this perspective suggests a different view on happiness than the one generally assumed by proponents of mood enhancement.
Mapping of Malaria Risk Related to Climatic and Environmental Factors by Multicriteria Analysis in the Marahoué Region of C?te d’Ivoire  [PDF]
Assikohon Pulchérie Gouzile, Martial Bama, Bi Yourou Guillaume Zamina, Ellélé Aimé Yapi, Gneneyougo Emile Soro, Bi Tie Albert Goula, Tiembré Issiaka
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2022.106015
Abstract: Malaria, a febrile human disease transmitted by female anopheles whose ecology is linked to water, is a major public health problem in Côte dIvoire, more precisely in the Marahoué region located in the southwest of the country. In order to effectively control this disease, it is necessary to understand the etiology and the diffusion pattern of the vectors. This justifies this study, which proposes to determine the areas at risk of malaria transmission in order to carry out an effective fight against this disease in this region of Côte dIvoire. To achieve this, a combined approach of geographic information systems and multicriteria analysis was adopted. The analysis reveals that the south and northwest of the Marahoué region present a high risk for malaria transmission. This risk is linked to indicators such as climatic factors that cover 48.36% of the study area, environmental factors such as vegetation cover (NDVI), soil moisture (NDWI), altitude, hydrography (water point) and population that covers 55.29% of the area and land use. Also, the results indicated that 50.70% of the region has favorable conditions for malaria transmission. Overall, climatic and environmental indicators are the risk factors associated with the resurgence of malaria.
Involvement of Healthcare Staff from First Contact Health Establishments in the Elimination of Human Rabies in the Health Districts of Ferkessedougou and Kong in Ivory Coast, 2020  [PDF]
Bi Yourou Guillaume Zamina, Assikohon Pulchérie Gouzile, Martial Bama, Ellélé Aimé Yapi, Youssouf Diabate, Tetchi Sopi Malthide, Tiembré Issiaka
Advances in Infectious Diseases (AID) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/aid.2022.124059
Abstract: Introduction: Rabies is endemic and constitutes a public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire. In the health districts of Kong and Ferkessedougou, exposure to rabies infection reported by the National Institute of Public Hygiene of Ferkessedougou averages 200 cases per year. However, in the involvement of health workers from First Contact Health Establishments (FCHE) of the 2 Districts, the management of exposed persons is unknown. This study aimed to determine the involvement of healthcare personnel in FCHE in the health districts of Ferkessedougou and Kong in the elimination of human rabies. Material and Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study with a descriptive aim which took place from October 21, 2020 to November 20, 2020. The data were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed with the software EXCEL and Epi Info 3.5.3. Principle Results: It emerged from this study that the average age of the participants was 36.8 years with an average professional seniority of 5.07 years. The majority (73.90%) of healthcare staff have not received training on rabies. However, plenty of healthcare personnel respectively experienced the transmission of the rabies virus from animals to humans (98.60%), with dogs (97.10%) as the main animal vector of rabies to man, the bite (100%) as the way of contamination of rabies, the immediate washing with water and soap (66.70%), the administration of the anti-rabies vaccine (75.4%), the National Institute of Public Hygiene as a reference structure (63.8%). At the level of practices after exposure to rabies infection, the majority (65.2%) of the healthcare staff consulted the patients, of whom 84.4% and 95.6% of these consultants respectively carried out communication for social change and behavior and referred patients to the National Institute of Public Hygiene (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Some health workers did not have the necessary knowledge to care for people exposed to rabies infection. Thus, they were not all involved in post-exposure prophylaxis against rabies. It would therefore be desirable for the National Institute of Public Hygiene to strengthen the capacities for the prevention of rabies for all human health workers, particularly those in first contact health establishments with a view to eliminating this disease from here in 2030.
Eco-Epidemiological Characteristics of Human Rabies in C?te d’Ivoire, 2012-2017  [PDF]
Zamina Bi Yourou Guillaume, Tiembré Issiaka, Konan Loukou Leandre, Bama Martial, Yapi Ellélé Aimé, Gouzilé Assikohon Pulchérie, Dagnan N’Cho Simplice
Advances in Infectious Diseases (AID) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/aid.2024.141002
Abstract: Introduction: Human rabies is a major public health problem in many African countries, including Côte d’Ivoire. The present work aims at describing the eco-epidemiological characteristics of human rabies cases recorded in Côte d’Ivoire. Methods: This was a retrospective and prospective cross-sectional descriptive study based on epidemiological surveillance data that ran from september 2014 to december 2017. The clinical data were extracted from the database of the human rabies epidemiological surveillance management service of the National Institute of Public Hygiene’s rabies centre. These data cover the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2017. Results: Human rabies is endemic in Côte d’Ivoire, with most people exposed in the south and especially in the west of the country. There was no association between any of the climatological parameters (temperature, humidity, rainfall) and the occurrence of human rabies during the months of exposure to rabies infection. Conclusion: Ultimately, effective prevention and control of human rabies requires a thorough understanding of the links between climatological parameters and rabies. Health authorities must take ownership of these results if we are to achieve our goal of eliminating rabies by 2030.

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