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匹配条件: “ Punya Akouélé Kuassi-Kpede” ,找到相关结果约252033条。
HPV/HBV or HPV/HCV Co-Infections in Women Treated for Chronic Hepatitis at H?pital Saint Camille in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso  [PDF]
Estelle Ouédraogo, Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Bagora Bayala, Prosper Bado, Rose P. Clémence Da, Rogomenoma Alice Ouedraogo, Ina Marie Angèle Traoré, Punya Akouélé Kuassi-Kpede, Samiratou Ouédraogo, Essi Etonam Dovo, Lassina Traoré, Albert Théophane Yonli, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Olga Mélanie Lompo, Jacques Simpore
American Journal of Molecular Biology (AJMB) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/ajmb.2024.141001
Abstract: Introduction: Cervical cancer is a public health concern and is mainly caused by Human papillomaviruses (HPV). In many parts of the world, studies are being carried out to understand the different genotypes to better tackle this issue. We conducted a study to determine the prevalence of HPV genotypes in women with chronic hepatitis B or C infection, co-infected or not with HIV, treated at the Hôpital Saint Camille in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Methods: This study was conducted from April to July 2023, including 100 women in gastroenterology at Hôpital Saint Camille. A questionnaire on their socio-demographic and life style was administrated; and endocervical samples were collected using sterile swabs and then sent to Centre of Biomolecular Research Pietro Annigoni (CERBA). HPV molecular detection and genotyping were performed by PCR and hybridization using the HPV Direct Flow Chips kit. Data were analysis using chi square test or Fischer’s exact test with a significance threshold for p < 0.05. Results: The prevalence of HPV infection was 28% (28/100) on the sample of women tested. The most frequent genotypes were HPV 52 (8.33%), followed by HPV 18 and 68 (6.25% each) for high-risk HPVs, and HPV 6, 44/55 and 62/81 (8.33% each) for low-risk HPVs. Conclusion: This study, the first of its kind in Burkina Faso on this group of the population, reveals that the most frequent genotypes found in this study are not included in the vaccine available in Burkina Faso (Gardasil®4).
Mother-to-Child Transmission of Human Papillomavirus in Burkina Faso  [PDF]
Koudpoko Madeleine Kabre, Djénéba Ouermi, Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Fatié Porzé Wilfried Traore, Prosper Bado, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Ouamini Pulchérie De Prisca Gnoumou, Rogomenoma Alice Ouedraogo, Albert Théophane Yonli, Punya Akouélé Kuassi-Kpede, Charlemagne Marie Ragnag-Néwendé Ouedraogo, Jacques Simpore
American Journal of Molecular Biology (AJMB) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/ajmb.2024.141002
Abstract: Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most widespread sexually transmitted infection in the world. Today, there is growing evidence that HPV can be transmitted early in life, and one potential route is mother-to-child transmission. Data on this route of HPV transmission are scarce in Africa and particularly in Burkina Faso, where no data on the subject are yet available. The aim of our study was to estimate the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HPV infection and to identify circulating genotypes. Methodology: Cervico-uterine samples were collected from 100 full-term pregnant women and, buccal samples were obtained from their newborns at Hopital Saint Camille de Ouagadougou (HOSCO) by the specialist physician. HPV DNA amplification and genotyping were performed by PCR followed by hybridization using the HPV Direct Flow Chips kit, detecting 36 genotypes including 18 high-risk and 18 low-risk. Results: The prevalence of HPV in newborns was 8% (8/100). Six (6) HPV-positive neonates had HPV-positive mothers, while 2 HPV-positive neonates had HPV-negative mothers. The vertical transmission rate was 26.09% (6/23). Mother-newborn genotypes were concordant. However, the genotype profile of the newborns was more restricted than that of the mothers. Conclusion: HPV DNA was found in 8% of newborns in our study. The genotype profile of the mother-newborn pair was concordant. Asymptomatic HPV infection in a pregnant woman could constitute a risk factor for vertical transmission.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Tramadol Daily Consumption and Road Traffic Crashes among Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Cotonou (Benin)  [PDF]
Ghislain Emmanuel Sopoh, Akouété Nicolas Gaffan, Charles Sossa-Jér?me, Alphonse Kpozèhouen, Yolaine Glèlè-Ahanhanzo
Open Journal of Epidemiology (OJEpi) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ojepi.2021.114035
Abstract: Background: In Benin, motorcycle taxi drivers make up a significant portion of road transport. The use of psychoactive substances, a behavior recognized as being at risk of road crashes, is frequent in this group. This study aimed to analyze the association between the consumption of psychoactive substances and the occurrence of road crashes among motorcycle taxi drivers. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 430 motorcycle taxi drivers selected from motorcycle taxi stands in Cotonou (Benin) using a two-stage cluster sampling technique. An interview with a structured questionnaire was used to collect data, which took place in March and April 2019. Alcohol, tramadol, and tobacco were the psychoactive substances considered in this study and their daily use was investigated. A binary logistic regression was used for the analysis. Results: Among the motorcycle taxi drivers surveyed, 27.79% (95% CI = 23.71 - 32.25) were involved in a road crash. The prevalence of psychoactive substances daily use was: 30.41% (95% CI = 26.17 - 35.00) for alcohol, 28.50% (95% CI = 24.37 - 33.02) for tramadol and 4.03% (95% CI = 2.51 - 6.42) for tobacco. Alcohol daily consumption (AOR = 2.09, 95% CI = 1.27 - 3.45, p = 0.004) was associated with a significant risk of road crashes. Conclusion: Interventions aiming to reduce psychoactive substances use should, therefore, be included in road safety policies, especially for this group.
Voluntary Ingestion of a Cola Nut Stuck into the Esophagus: An Unusual Foreign Body (FB)  [PDF]
Isma?l Lawani, Dansou Gaspard Gbéssi, Aboudou Raimi Kpossou, Yacoubou Imorou Soua?bou, Freddy H. R. Gnangnon, Francis Mo?se Dossou, Delphin Kuassi Mehinto, Jean-Léon Olory-Togbé
Surgical Science (SS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/ss.2016.75034
Abstract: The cola nut (Cola nitida), is a rare foreign body. Its voluntary ingestion, for ritual practices, is a situation of exceptional occurrence, and jamming it in the esophagus is a therapeutic emergency. Here, we report the case of an adult patient, with a cola nut measuring 3 cm in diameter swallowed for a ritual purpose, jammed at the bottom of his esophagus. A surgical extraction was performed by gastrostomy after a failed attempt of endoscopic extraction. There ensued a complication of a left-esophageal fistula. The various aspects of this case are analyzed in the light of the literature review.
Management of Breast Cancer in Visceral Surgery of CNHU-HKM of Cotonou in Benin  [PDF]
Dansou Gaspard Gbessi, Ismail Lawani, Chrystelle Tawo-Nounagnon, Francis Moïse Dossou, Yacoubou Imorou Souaïbou, Delphin Kuassi Mehinto, Jean-Léon Olory-Togbe, Kémoko Osséni Bagnan, Nazaire Padonou
Surgical Science (SS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/ss.2016.73022
Abstract: Breast cancer affects more females than males. It occurs earlier with the black females and is often diagnosed at a stage of complication. This study aims to describe its epidemiological characteristics, the changing stages, and to analyze the treatment and means of interdisciplinary and international cooperation in its care and treatment. Our study was retrospective, descriptive and analytic on breast cancer patients received at CNHU-HKM of Cotonou between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2013. Breast cancer accounts for 24.24% of mammary pathologies and most affects the left breast. Females aged from 40 to 59 years old are the most affected. For males, the average age was 47.5 years old. Patients mostly consult at a later stage where the tumor is already palpable with nodal metastasis. Breast echography and mammography had been done only for 23.85% of the cases. In an anatomical pathology perspective, the invasive ductal carcinoma was the most common type with 87.2%. For the therapeutical aspect, a radical mastectomy according to Patey was realized in 81.65% of the cases; 48.65% underwent a chemotherapy and 14.7% were able to do a radiotherapy. The chance at life for patients was decreasing while the life time is increasing. Also, the average life span of patients was increased by the combination of diverse types of treatments notably when radiotherapy is done. The incidence of breast cancers in Visceral Surgery A and B department of CNHU-HKM-Cotonou is increasing over years.
Webs of activity in online course design and teaching
Lisa Peruski,Punya Mishra
Research in Learning Technology , 2004, DOI: 10.3402/rlt.v12i1.11225
Abstract: In this study, we followed three faculty members' experiences with designing and teaching online courses for the first time. In order to complete the activity, the faculty members had to work collaboratively with others across the university. Activity theory provided a framework within which to study faculty members' collaborative activities with members of different activity systems that had different goals, tools, divisions of labor and accountabilities. In concordance with activity theory, such differences led to contradictions, disturbances, and transformations in thinking and work activities. The results of the study have implications for individuals and systems undertaking technology integration in teaching.
Graphene/Polypyrrole Nanocomposite as Electrochemical Supercapacitor Electrode: Electrochemical Impedance Studies  [PDF]
Punya A. Basnayaka, Manoj K. Ram, Lee Stefanakos, Ashok Kumar
Graphene (Graphene) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/graphene.2013.22012
Abstract: Graphene-Polypyrrole (G/PPy) was synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization method, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis was employed to study the frequency response characteristics of supercapacitors based on G/PPy conducting polymer nanocomposite. It is found that a uniform G/PPy nanocomposite is formed with polypyrrole (PPy) being homogeneously surrounded by graphene nanosheets. The porous structure allowed electrolyte and ions diffusion in synthesized G/PPy nanocomposite. The metallic conductivity of Graphene-polypyrrole exhibited higher knee frequency at 125 Hz than the knee frequency of pristine PPy at 36 Hz. The high knee frequency of G/PPy supercapacitor is indicative of high power application and long cycle life. The G/PPy nanocomposite based supercapacitor with 1MH2SO4 as the electrolyte showed specific capacitances of 270 F/g at 0.1 Hz and112 F/g at 125 Hz.
Les déterminants de la dynamique spatiale de la ville de Bingerville (sud de la C te d'Ivoire) de 1960 à nos jours
Akou Don Franck Valéry Loba
EchoGéo , 2010,
Abstract: Le présent article rend compte des déterminants de la dynamique spatiale de Bingerville, une ville historique du sud de la C te d’Ivoire. Les sources cartographiques émanant de missions aériennes ont permis de faire la synthèse de la dynamique spatiale. Une enquête auprès du service technique de la mairie a fourni les informations relatives à la gestion du foncier.L’étude révèle que de 1960, date de proclamation de l’indépendance, jusqu’en 1985, en dépit des interventions de l’Etat-providence, la croissance de la tache urbaine a été très peu significative. A la volonté de l’Etat de batir une ville moderne se sont opposées la méfiance et l’hostilité des autochtones, redoutant d’éventuelles expropriations.Avec les changements institutionnels survenus après 1985, qui ont vu l’apparition de nouveaux pouvoirs locaux décentralisés, la ville va conna tre un regain de croissance. La communalisation, en mettant à l’ordre du jour l’implication des populations autochtones dans les mécanismes de création du sol urbain, est parvenue à relancer la dynamique des lotissements. Ainsi, sous l’impulsion d’opérateurs immobiliers privés, la ville a vu s’ajouter à son noyau initial de nouveaux quartiers ; elle conna t depuis lors un étirement en direction de ses périphéries ouest et nord et devient partie intégrante du front d’urbanisation oriental de la ville d’Abidjan. This article reports on the spatial dynamics of Bingerville, a historic city in southern C te d'Ivoire. The study aims to examine data on the nature of the determinants of this dynamic space. The cartographic sources from aerial missions were allowed to synthesize spatial dynamics. A survey of the technical department of the council has provided information on land management.In 1960, the date of declaration of independence until 1985, despite the interventions of the welfare state, the growth of the urban stain was very insignificant. A commitment to the state to build a modern city, opposed the distrust and hostility of the indigenous, fearing possible expropriations.During the period of economic recession, marked by the advent of structural adjustment programs, the process of urbanization Bingerville will experience a revival. The institutional changes that occurred after 1985 which saw the emergence of new local authorities in this case the county, there are many. The communalisation, building on the agenda involve the population in autocthtones mechanisms of creation of urban land, managed to regain the momentum of developments. Thus, under the impetus of private real estate operators, the city has seen
Insight on the Ultrastructure, Physicochemical, Thermal Characteristics and Applications of Palm Kernel Shells  [PDF]
Richard Ntenga, Etienne Mfoumou, Alexis Béakou, Martin Tango, Jordan Kamga, Ali Ahmed
Materials Sciences and Applications (MSA) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/msa.2018.910057
Abstract: The ultrastructure and physicochemical and thermal properties of Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) in comparison with Coconut Kernel Shells (CKS) were investigated herein. Powder samples were prepared and characterized using Surface Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Chemical and elemental constituents, as well as thermal performance were assessed by Van Soest Method, TEM/EDXA and SEM/EDS techniques. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) were also performed for thermal characterization. SEM/EDS and TEM/EDXA revealed that most of the PKS and CKS materials are composed of particles with irregular morphology; these are mainly amorphous phases of carbon/oxygen with small amounts of K, Ca and Mg. The DSC data permitted to derive the materials’ thermal transition phases and the relevant characteristic temperatures and physical properties. Thermal Transition phases of PKS observed herein are consistent with the chemical composition obtained and are similar to those of CKS. Nonetheless, TGA/DTG showed that the combustion characteristics of PKS are higher than those of CKS. Taken together, our results reveal that PKS have nanopores and can be efficiently used for 3D printing and membrane filtration applications. Moreover, the chemical constituents found in PKS samples are in agreement with those reported in the literature for material structural applications and thus, present potential use of PKS in these applications.
Evaluation of the Knowledge of CT Scan Prescribers on Patients’ Radioprotection in Senegal  [PDF]
Serigne Moussa Badiane, Pape Ibrahima Sane, Coumba Ndoffene Ndiaye, Kalidou Gueye, Oumar Ndoye, Kuassi M. Amoussou-Guenou, Mamadou Mbodji
Open Journal of Biophysics (OJBIPHY) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ojbiphy.2019.93015
Abstract: Medical imaging has enabled major improvements in the medical care of the patient. However, some of these tests have the disadvantage of using ionizing radiation at low doses. Although the CT scan is a powerful diagnostic tool, it remains a highly radiant imaging modality. In addition, the risk of radiation-induced cancer associated with low X-ray doses is established by the American Phase 2 study BEIR VII, and preventive measures require a good level of knowledge on radioprotection by imaging test prescribers. In our study, we evaluated the knowledge of CT scan prescribers in Senegal regarding patient radioprotection. These prescribers consisted of physicians and surgeons without distinction of specialty. Our objective was to have the required data for optimizing CT prescriptions in compliance with the principles of radioprotection. Our work focused on a descriptive analytical study of 107 doctors who prescribed CT scan in public health institutions in Senegal. Our results revealed poor knowledge of doctors prescribing CT scan on induced radio risks, even though the majority of them stated that they took those risks into account. Our data were not isolated, they were applicable to similar studies conducted outside Senegal. In summary, our study led on the one hand to recommendations on initial and continuing training and on the other hand on organizational and regulatory considerations.

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