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Re “Ignore the spin, trust the facts” (June 7):

After reading Mr. Takano’s article, I find it hard to understand how he could dismiss all the evidence of impropriety by the judge, the prosecutor and the evidence. The fact that prosecutor Bragg took a misdemeanor charge, past the statute of limitations, and raised it to a federal charge. He cannot prosecute a federal charge in a state court. Judge Juan Merchan, an active donor to the Biden campaign to defeat Trump, and whose daughter makes her living from Democratic leaders. should have recused himself, and not given improper instructions to an all-Democratic jury. This reeks of injustice, and the public knows it, even if this biased, typical, Democratic politician tries to misinform us, again.

— Julie Kemp, Mission Viejo


Mark Takano on Trump’s conviction in New York

Finally, to mix metaphors, a voice of reason in the MAGA desert. Congressman Mark Takano’s column, “Ignore the spin, trust the facts,” refutes point by point the Republicans’ delusional claims that the Trump hush money trial was rigged against the former president.

The lineup of Trump’s acolytes spewing these proven lies to become his vice presidential candidate or to influence his candidacy among the very few undecided voters stand in sharp contrast to the vast majority of reasonable people who see through these lies and will continue to see exactly who Trump is and that his only concern is to protect himself. Trump could not care less about the threat to democracy his candidacy portends.

— Allan G. Alpert, Murrieta


Mark Takano’s spin

Mark Takano is just another hyper-partisan Democratic Party hack, and he is the one doing the spinning. The facts are obvious: Trump was charged with incompletely specified crimes in a court lacking jurisdiction to even hear the case. The bookkeeping entries in 2017 were well after the 2016 election. A blatantly biased judge allowed hours of irrelevant testimony against Trump and then refused to allow Trump’s attorneys to present their defense. The same partisan judge then instructed the jury that they should find Trump guilty even if they couldn’t agree on what exactly it was Trump was guilty of. A biased jury from a biased community did as they were told. The ghost of Lavrentiy Beria was probably sitting in the back of the courtroom laughing.

— George Rock, Torrance

