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Unfortunately, show biz is leaving the Golden State

There was a time when California was truly the Golden State in that it offered golden opportunities for many enterprises. It brought my parents out from the Midwest to work in the aerospace industry. Hollywood was the place where aspiring actors could find their break and perhaps become movie stars. California greatly influenced music. However, the golden goose of opportunity was commandeered by competition and circumstances. Why wouldn’t the entertainment industry seek the most profitable environment? Other states, other countries, and AI are vying for their slice of the entertainment pie. Taxes, regulation and cost of living are forcing producers to look for alternatives to California. The pursuit of gold will continue to leave the Golden State out of the picture.

— Robert Snyder, Laguna Hills


There is no thriving entertainment biz in California

There is no longer a thriving film or television industry in California. Computer technology has destroyed what used to be a very lucrative cottage industry. For almost 40 years, the entertainment industry provided me with a comfortable lifestyle. Post-production was dominated by the brightest engineers, and R&D was a great asset to delivering high-quality images to theater and television. Those who excelled in sales and worked hard in the work environment were paid high wages. The big producers of viewing content benefited from having many post production companies competing against each other. The state also prospered by collecting taxes on everything that defined the industry.

— Stephen Lucas, Van Nuys


Today’s movie theaters

As a devoted movie and film attendee, it is not uncommon to now be one of the few in attendance at SoCal movie theater. Sadly, it seems that many former movie theater aficionados have lost the need to attend, due to at-home large TV screens with too many movie channels, and online streaming services. The question is, will movie theaters become obsolete like in the 1970s golden age of drive-in movies? While it may appear probable, hopefully not.

— Isadora Johnson, Seal Beach

