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Regarding our FAIR Plan article June 25: the insurance commissioner, Richard Lara, should also require insurance companies to make their rate increases no higher than inflation. As it is now, the insurance companies can raise rates significantly with no retribution. For example, Mercury raised mine 27% last year and 34% this year. Although I will appeal the increase (to Lara’s office), I expect to lose as I did following last year’s increase. To curtail these massive increases, I suggest three things: 1. Demand a new insurance commissioner (who’s not in bed with insurance companies.) 2. Oust the governor, and/or 3. Homeowners should consider self-insuring their property if they do not have a mortgage.


Supreme Court ruling

Re “Tax reform crushed by partisan court” (June 23):

By rejecting the clear will of the people and removing the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act proposition from the fall ballot, the California Supreme Court has effectively ended the last avenue of democratic self governance in California. California is now a one-party dictatorial communist Marxist state with rigged elections and rubber-stamp courts — with no recourse for  those who oppose it except to join the exodus leaving the state. What has been a slow-motion totalitarian takeover is picking up speed.

— Mark Bedor, South Pasadena


Presidential debates

I wonder if President Biden and President Trump receive debate questions ahead of time? If not, I wonder when President Biden’s questions were leaked to the White House to give Old Joe an advantage?

— Bob Waters, Laguna Niguel


State healthcare wages hike delayed in Sacto

So, our governor (June 23) and Legislature, in their infamous wisdom, believe it is OK to raise the minimum wage for fast food workers across the state, impacting business, some failing. They set aside reparation packages for others, but cannot find a way to raise the minimum wages for over 400,000 health workers. When you eat your next fast food meal, let it be known that those workers are preparing the best meal in the way corporate dictates, knowing there are underpaid health care workers ready to care for your health.

— Glenn Waggoner Jr., Riverside

