Molly-Mae Hague has opened up about feeling drained after a whirlwind month, despite her split from Tommy Fury. The busy mum and influencer took to YouTube for her latest December vlog, giving fans a peek into her hectic schedule. She's been filming her new documentary, Molly-Mae: Behind It All, set to drop on Amazon Prime Video next month. The trailer teases scenes of Molly balancing motherhood with her daughter Bambi and her new fashion venture, Maebe. In her recent vlog, she confessed to feeling worn out as she pushes to finish the series in time for the festive season. From her home, she shared with viewers: "It's like nice social things which I think I really need because I feel like after this week my cup feels a little bit empty, to be honest with you, emotionally.

"Just because with the documentary and everything I'm filming I'm feeling, I don't know it's just a lot of work and we're trying to get everything done so that we can wrap up for Christmas." Molly who split from Tommy Fury back in August, remains a dedicated mum to their adorable one year old daughter Bambi, whom she co-parents with her former Love Island beau. Despite previously expressing a desire to have a football team's worth of little ones with Tommy, the reality tv star seems to be reconsidering expanding her brood any further.

Molly and Tommy
Molly and Tommy split in August

Recently engaging with fans on social media, Molly-Mae responded candidly when asked about future family plans: "I honestly think a lot these days that Bambi could be it for me. I'm not sure."

It was quite the shift from her post in January, where caught up in the joy of parenting a one year old, she shared: "I know you might judge me for saying this but if I could have a baby and it come out how Bambi is now, like this stage and age, I would have a million babies. I am so obsessed with this stage. The pros are so much more than the cons at this stage. This is my motherhood era, this is what I dreamt motherhood would be like. I am enjoying being a mum so much at the minute."

Molly and Bambi
Molly confessed Bambi's behaviour recently was 'concerning'

This comes after, Molly recently voiced her concerns about Bambi's behaviour, in another YouTube vlog posted on Wednesday, 4 December. She revealed that Bambi’s recent actions had upset her. She explained that while Bambi has adjusted to going to nursery one day each week, and on Wednesday morning, it was the first time her daughter had gone in “really happy, waving, really excited to be there,” her behaviour at home has changed, and could be a sign of the ‘terrible twos.’

“She has started this new thing, it could be a ‘terrible twos’ thing as she is turning two in Jan,” Molly explained. “She’s started being a bit hitty and smacky and she keeps doing this thing where if I am in front of her, she goes for my face and grabs my face. Yesterday she left a nail mark from where she was grabbing me, and she keeps grabbing onto my neck and squeezing so hard, and she knows she is doing it to hurt.”