Retrieve the white balance modes that are available on the camera
#include <camera/camera_3a.h>
camera_error_t camera_get_whitebalance_modes(camera_handle_t handle, int numasked, int *numsupported, camera_whitebalancemode_t *modes)
Use this function to retrieve the list of white balance modes that are available on the camera. You can change the current white balance mode using the camera_set_whitebalance_mode() function.
Ensure that the modes argument points to an array which has at least numasked elements allocated. To determine an appropriate size for this array, you can invoke this function in presizing mode by setting the numasked argument to 0 or the modes argument to NULL. When the function is invoked in this presizing mode, the maximum array size required is returned in the numsupported argument. You can then allocate an array of the appropriate size and invoke the function again with the numasked argument set to the value returned previously in the numsupported argument.
CAMERA_EOK when the function successfully completes, otherwise another camera_error_t value that provides the reason that the call failed.