QNX video buffer queue event-handler prototype
#include <OMXAL/OpenMAXAL_QNX.h>
typedef XAresult(XAAPIENTRY * xaQNXVideoBufferQueueSourceCallback)( XAQNXVideoBufferQueueSourceItf caller, void *pCallbackContext, void *pBufferContext, screen_buffer_t screenBuffer, const XAQNXBufferItem *pItems, XAuint32 itemsLength);
This data type provides a prototype for registering a function that handles events related to a buffer in the buffer queue used by the XAQNXVideoBufferQueueSourceItf interface.
The event-handler function accepts input arguments containing a reference to the interface, pointers to the buffer context and optionally, extra data for the event, and a handle to the Screen buffer containing the video data. The input arguments also include metadata describing the buffer and its data items. The function doesn't return anything.