Retrieve an enumerated list of interim data available on the device
#include <sensor/sensor_interim_data.h>
sensor_error_t sensor_get_supported_interim_data(uint32_t num_asked, uint32_t *num_supported, sensor_interim_data_info_t *data_info)
An array of information on each supported interim data is returned on success in data_info.
Ensure that the data_info argument points to an array which has at least num_asked elements allocated. To determine an appropriate size for this array, you can invoke this function in presizing mode by setting the num_asked argument to 0 or the data_info argument to NULL. When the function is invoked in this presizing mode, the maximum array size required is returned in the num_supported argument. You can then allocate an array of the appropriate size and invoke the function again with the num_asked argument set to the value returned previously in the num_supported argument.
SENSOR_EOK when the function successfully completes, otherwise another sensor_error_t value that provides the reason that the call failed.