Sensor (sensor)

Updated: October 28, 2024

Start the Sensor service


sensor -c sensor_configuration_file | -d data_configuration_file
       -r rollpath
       -U uid:gid[,gidx]
       [-b board_name]

Runs on:

QNX Neutrino


-b board_name
A string that specifies the name of the board. If this value isn't specified, the default name is _CS_MACHINE. This optional parameter is useful when you need to distinguish a board from another board.
-c sensor_configuration_file
The sensor configuration file to use. You must specify one of -c or -d options, or both. For more information about this file, see Sensor configuration file.”
-d data_configuration_file
The interim data configuration file to use. You must specify one of -c or -d options, or both. For more information about this file, see Interim data configuration file.”
-r rollpath
The directory where the Sensor service saves files that include images (from a camera) and data (from a sensor, such as lidar) files.
-U uid:gid [,gidx]
The user ID and the group ID under which to run the sensor service. You can specify multiple groups, where each group is separated by a comma. The user ID needs to be non-zero because the security protocol is to ensure you do not run as root.


This command starts the Sensor service and initializes the sensors and cameras specified in the configuration file. When you run the service, you must specify the location where recorded sensor data and video files are stored. In addition, you must specify the configuration file to use to initialize the cameras and sensors. For more information about this file, see Sensor configuration file.”


The following sample command provides access to user and group 521 to read from /accounts/1000 (group 1001). The sensor data is set to be stored in the /accounts/1000/shared/sensor directory using a configuration file located at /etc/system/config/sensor.conf:
# sensor -U 521:521,1001 –r /accounts/1000/shared/sensor \
         –c /etc/system/config/sensor.conf;