Handling directories

Updated: October 28, 2024

The example we used above was that of a serial port resource manager. We also stated an assumption: “Let's assume for now that we need an exact match.” The assumption is only half-true—all the pathname matching we'll be talking about in this chapter has to completely match a component of the pathname, but may not have to match the entire pathname. We'll clear this up shortly.

Suppose I have code that does this:

fp = fopen ("/etc/passwd", "r");

Recall that fopen() eventually calls open(), so we have open() asking about the pathname /etc/passwd. But there isn't one in the diagram:

Figure 1. QNX Neutrino's namespace.

We do notice, however, that fs-qnx6 has registered its association of ND/PID/CHID at the pathname /.” Although it's not shown on the diagram, fs-qnx6 registered itself as a directory resource manager—it told the process manager that it'll be responsible for / and below. This is something that the other, “device” resource managers (e.g., the serial port resource manager) didn't do. By setting the “directory” flag, fs-qnx6 is able to handle the request for /etc/passwd because the first part of the request is /—a matching component!

What if we tried to do the following?

fd = open ("/dev/ser1/9600.8.1.n", O_WRONLY);

Well, since the serial port resource manager doesn't have the directory flag set, the process manager will look at it and say “Nope, sorry, the pathname /dev/ser1 is not a directory. I'm not going to return this resource manager for this request. ” The process manager will then fall back to a shorter pathname, and it will be handled the same as /etc/passwd, above. But, importantly, the serial port resource manager won't have to deal with it.

Note: Obviously, as hinted at in my choice of parameters for the open() call above, it may be a clever idea to allow some “traditional” drivers to be opened with additional parameters past the “usual” name. However, the rule of thumb here is, “If you can get away with it in a design review meeting, go ahead.”