Updated: October 28, 2024 |
To run and debug the newly built program on your target system, you simply need to select
three things in the launch bar: your project, the target you'd like to run it on, and Debug:
Then click the Debug button in the launch bar ().
The IDE switches to the Debug perspective and transfers your program from your
development host to your target system, then starts it under the control of the debugger.
The debugger stops in the first line of your program. In the Debug view,
you'll see an overview of your process, including the call stack. Using the buttons in the
main bar of this view, you can control the debugger.
When you run or debug your application from the IDE, any input is read from the IDE's console, and any output goes to it. After execution has passed the line that calls puts(), you should see the Hello World!!! message in the Console window.
Using the Step Over button, you can jump to the next line of code:
During debugging, you can watch the Variables view on the right, which displays how your variables change. You can use the Step Into button to let the debugger go into the code of a function (which, of course, is useful only if you have the source code for this function).
To set a breakpoint, place the mouse pointer over the left border of the source display, right-click
and choose Toggle Breakpoint from the context menu.
The breakpoint is
shown as a little circle, which you can also set or remove
while you write your code.
When the running program hits a breakpoint, it stops in the debugger, and you can, for example, examine your variables.
If you click the Resume button, your program continues until the next breakpoint:
To abort program execution, use the Terminate button:
After the program has finished running,
you can use the Remove All Terminated Launches button
to clear the information about all terminated processes from the Debug view.
To run your program as a standalone binary (without the debugger), select Run
in the launch bar, and then click the Run button ().
You can also use the System Information perspective's Target File System Navigator view (accessible through ) to manually transfer your binary, and then run it by double-clicking on it (or by right-clicking on it and selecting Run).
It's also possible to leave the binary on a shared network drive on your development host, mount the drive on your QNX Neutrino target (see the entry for fs-cifs in the QNX Neutrino Utilities Reference), and run the binary from there.