public transportation

PITX announces new parking fees starting January 14

Tatiana Maligro

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PITX announces new parking fees starting January 14

PITX. Passengers crowd the Paranaque Intergrated Terminal Exchange as exodus to the provinces start ahead of the Holy Week, on March 31, 2023. The government has fielded additional buses in all of the terminals in anticipation of the thousands of passengers for the Holy Week break.

Jire Carreon/Rappler

The Parañaque Integrated Terminal Exchange will now charge P300 for overnight parking, double the previous rate, on top of the parking fee

MANILA, Philippines – The Parañaque Integrated Terminal Exchange (PITX), the multimodal transport facility which serves Metro Manila and areas south of the metropolis, announced Friday, January 3, its new parking rates effective January 14.

The transport hub will charge cars parking in the facility P60 for the first three hours and P15 per succeeding hour. Parking motorcycles will pay a P60 flat fee.

Meanwhile, overnight parking costs will double to P300 on top of the hourly parking fee. PITX defines overnight parking as between 1:30 am and 5 am.

Prior to the implementation of the new parking rates, PITX charged a P60 and P50 flat fee for cars and motorcycles, respectively. Overnight parking rates cost an additional P150.

According to Jason Salvador, PITX’s head for corporate affairs, the adjusted parking fees reflect an increase in parking demand and the occupation of the transport hub’s office towers.

Salvador said that the fees will fund technologies to make the parking experience in PITX more efficient. “We are now investing and implementing advanced technologies such as automatic plate number recognition, parking guidance systems and digital payment kiosks for a seamless and more efficient experience,” he said.

Salvador also allayed motorists’ fears of a drastic parking fee hike similar to that of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in 2024, when overnight parking fees quadrupled to P1,200.

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“PITX’s parking fee adjustments are based on a careful analysis of our specific operating requirements. We remain committed to ensuring that our rates are fair and that they correspond to the level of service and convenience provided,” he said.

Over 51 million passengers passed through PITX in 2024. –

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