
How to report dubious claims to #FactsFirstPH


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How to report dubious claims to #FactsFirstPH
Spotted a video or post you suspect to be false? Report it to the #FactsFirstPH tipline, so participating newsrooms and groups can investigate the claim.

MANILA, Philippines – Have you spotted a post or video that you suspect to be false?

#FactsFirstPH is a first-of-a-kind initiative that brings together various sectors which are committed to promoting truth in the public space and exacting accountability from those who harm it with lies.

The initiative comprises more than 100 media groups, coalitions, civil society groups, business organizations, and research and legal groups that have heeded the challenge to combat disinformation on social media.

How to report dubious claims to #FactsFirstPH

Fact-checking is the foundation of this multi-layered approach to fighting disinformation. For this reason, #FactsFirstPH brings together several news groups and organizations which agreed to participate in the fact-checking layer. The goal of this layer is to monitor and debunk dubious claims, particularly those that are going viral in social media.

How to report dubious claims

You can participate in this initiative by submitting dubious claims through our various fact check tiplines.

For starters, you can still email links and screenshots of suspicious claims through factcheck@rappler.com.

You can also message Rappler through our Facebook Page or Newsbreak, our investigative and research arm, via Twitter direct message.

A bot will greet you with the option to submit a request for a fact-check about an article, video, image or other content. Follow its instructions and send in the link, picture or video you want to be fact-checked, followed by any context or additional questions related to the claim.

You can also go ahead and submit the claim you want fact-checked through the form below. You will be required to submit the URL of the content you want to be fact-checked, add any context you think is important about the link or the information it contains, and include a screenshot of the post or website.

Our tech partner, Meedan, is also in the process of setting up tiplines via Viber, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter for each of the newsgroups listed below:

  • ABKD Network
  • ABS‐CBN Integrated News and Current Affairs
  • Altermidya
  • Baguio Chronicle
  • Daily Guardian
  • Interaksyon
  • Mindanao Gold Star
  • News5 Digital
  • OneNewsPH
  • PressOne
  • Probe Productions

This page will be updated as new tiplines are activated.

To speed up the process of fact-checking, content submitted through the various tiplines, including the Rappler tiplines, will be shared with all newsgroups participating in the #FactsFirstPH initiative.

What happens after we submit a claim?

The fact-checking layer of this initiative will verify these claims and publish reports debunking lies or misleading information.

In turn, civil society organizations, religious groups, and business communities under the initiative’s mesh layer are then expected to share these fact checks to a wider audience. The goal of this second layer is to make facts spread faster and further than lies and hatred.

Research groups, meanwhile, will analyze the data generated through this effort in order to gain insights on narratives and networks aimed at manipulating the public ahead of the elections.

Finally, lawyers and legal coalitions will work with fact checkers, partner organizations, and research institutions to come up with ways to deter online attacks against truth-tellers.

If you have any questions or if you want to take part in this initiative, send us an email at info@factsfirst.ph. – Rappler.com

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