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The 2025 Holy Year, which is dedicated to the theme of hope, will run until January 6, 2026
MANILA, Philippines — As the world geared up to welcome 2025, Catholic communities across the Philippines held unique ceremonies and festivities to mark the beginning of the Jubilee, or the Catholic Holy Year.
A Jubilee happens once every 25 years, unless the Pope arranges for a special one to raise awareness on a pressing issue or to celebrate an important milestone. During this time, Catholics can be blessed with special indulgences or remission of their sins as long as they meet certain conditions and do good deeds.
The 2025 Holy Year, which is dedicated to the theme of hope, will run until January 6, 2026.
Here’s how Catholics from different parts of the Philippines kicked off the Jubilee:
How is your parish or diocese celebrating the Jubilee? Share your photos and stories in the faith chat room of the Rappler app. —
1 comment
Steven M.says:
The theme of hope seems pretty pathetic to me. A bit like fingers crossed that it will be a good year.
The church needs to start thinking about the needs of the people. Start by supporting the divorce bill, then continue by preaching birth control.
The theme of hope seems pretty pathetic to me. A bit like fingers crossed that it will be a good year.
The church needs to start thinking about the needs of the people. Start by supporting the divorce bill, then continue by preaching birth control.
Just a thought.