Lauren Leffer is a science, technology and environmental reporter based in Baltimore. She has published work in National GeographicScientific AmericanHakai MagazinePopular ScienceAudubon Magazine, Gizmodo and elsewhere. Previously, she was a research entomologist, park naturalist and curriculum developer. She writes on many subjects including artificial intelligence, climate and weird biology because she’s curious to a fault. When she’s not typing, she’s hopefully hiking.


All Stories by Lauren Leffer

  1. Artificial Intelligence

    Generative AI is an energy hog. Is the tech worth the environmental cost?

    Generative AI and the hype around it has rung in excitement and alarm bells this year. Here’s how to consider climate, energy and AI's intersection.

  2. Chemistry

    Scientists may have an explanation for why some batteries don’t last

    A long-standing idea of why lithium ion batteries die focuses on lithium movement into the cathode. Instead, hydrogen may be to blame.
