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![]() Journal of Environmental Protec tion, 2013, 4, 74-79 doi:10.4236/jep.2013.41b014 Published Online January 2013 ( Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JEP Study on Characteristics in the Removal Pr oces s of Ammonia Nitrogen and Nitra t e Nit roge n by a n Isolated Heterotrophic Nitri f icat i on-Aerobic Denitrification Strain Rhodococcus sp. Weisi Li* Department of chemi cal engin eer in g, China University of Petroleum, 266555, Qingdao, China. Email: * Received 2013 ABSTRACT Removal of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen by an heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification strain is an economical and effective method. In this article, a ki nd o f hetero tro phic nitrificatio n -aerob ic de nitrificatio n strai n which has aero bic denitrification and heterotro phic nitrificat ion ability was selecte d, and t he n wa s identified as rhodococcus sp. by 16S rRNA sequencing analysis and morphological ob se r vation. After that, carbon source utilization and nitrification- denitrification activity of this strain in different C/N , initial nitrogen concentration were studied. In addition, the assi- milation and denitrification activities of ammonia and nitrate were also researched under the condition of nitrate and ammonia coexisted in the solution. T he res ults show t hat the s trai n can gr ow in sod ium acetate, gl ucose, sodium succi- nate and sodium citr ate soluti ons, and it can no t survive i n sodium oxalate, sucrose and soluble starch solutions. Initial concentration and C/N were important for nitrogen removal rate. This strain can completely remove nitrate/ammonia when nitrate/ammonia concentration was lower than 15 mg·l–1/80 mg·l–1. the C/N of 10 and of 12 were the optimum C/N ratio in the nitrate and ammonia removal process respectively. pH value rose up sharply in the de nitrificatio n process and it increased relatively slowly in the nitrificatio n process, which sho ws that p H is one of the most i mportant factor inhibiting the denitrification removal process. Nitrite concentration was much higher in denitrifica tio n process than in nitrification process. I n addition, this strai n gave priority to utilizing ammonia as nitrogen sourc e when am moni a and nitrate coexisted in the solution. Keywords: Aerobic Denitrification; Heterotrophic Nitrification; Rhodococcus sp.; Nitroge n Removal 1. Introduction Microbial nitrification and denitrification are totally dif- ferent biochemical processes according to traditional theory[1] . Nitrification hap pens only in aero bic conditio n by two kinds of chemoautotroph bacteria. Ammonia is oxidized to nitrite by nitrosobacteria and then nitrite is oxidized to nitrate by nitrobacterium[2]. Denitrification happens only in anaerobic or faculta tive aero bic condi- tion. Nitrate and nitrite are reduced to N2 or nitrogen oxides by heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria. However, some bacterium which have heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification abi lity were selected in recent 20 years [3-5]. T hese st rains can conduct nitrification a nd denitrification in aerobic condition using or ga ni cs as carbon source. Based on this principle, a new nitrogen removal method called simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) is designed and applicated in wastewater treatment process. Comparing with tradition- al met hods, this method has t he follo win g adva ntages: 1) Nitrification and denitrification can conduct in one reac- tion cell, which saves floor space and money. 2) pH of water would rise in denitrification process and OH- can neutralize H+ generated in nitrification process. 3) Aero- bic process is easily controlled and of simple operation. However, these organisms are hard isolated from envi- ronment. How to select the special strain is the first problem in nitrogen removal experiments. This work successfully selected a strain which can conduct hetero- trophic nitrificat ion and aerobic denitrificatio n. In former research, rhodococcus sp. wa s lesser studied on nitrogen removal than on desulfurization[6]. In this work, the changing characteristics of pH, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and growth increment in nitrification or denitrification activity were researched in different C/N, initial nitrogen *Corresponding author. ![]() Study on Characteristics in the Removal Proces s of Ammonia Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen by an Isolated Heterotrophic Nitrification-Aerobic Denitrification Strain Rhodococcus sp. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JEP 75 concentration. 2. Method s 2.1. Microorganism Substrate sludge was collected from a river which was polluted by domestic sewage. 0.2 ml supernatant, which was gradient diluted 103, 104…109 times by deionized water, was coated BTB medium[7] after being fully sha- ken up. Then incubate it at 30˚C for 3d. T he supernatant quality condition was as follows (mg·l–1): COD, 57; TN, 6.33; NH3-N, 0.875; NO3-N, 4.53; DO, 6; TP, 0.134; Cl–, 187; pH, 8.6. The BTB medium contained the followin g (g·l–1): bromthymol blue (BTB, dissolved by 0.5mL ethyl alcohol), 0.01; agar, 20; NaNO3, 1; KH2PO4, 1; NaCl, 0.15; CH3COONa·3H2O, 8; pH, 7.0. Autoclave all BTB mediums at 121˚C for 20 min. Several bacterial strains were observed after three days incubation, then select strains whose BTB medium had changed from green to blue. After that, purify these strains by successive streak transfer on BTB medium. The denitrification ability/nitrification ability of these strains was ide ntified by t he aid of LB/HB liq uid denitri- fication medium. After two days growth in LB/HB me- dium with temperature of 30˚C and rotating rate of 160r/min, some nitrite chromogenic reagent was added into the solution. The strain is related to denitrification and nitrification abilit y if its solution had reddened. The nitrite chromogenic reagent contained the following: 4-aminobenzene sulfonamide, 20 g; N-1-naphthyl ethy- lenediamine hydrochloride, 1 g; phosphoric acid 50 ml; water, 250 ml, then dil ute them to 500 ml. The LB(HB) liquid medium contained the following (g·l–1): NaNO3 (NH4Cl), 1; KH2PO4, 1; NaCl, 0.15; CH3COONa·3H2O, 8; pH, 7.0-7.3. Autoclave the medium at 121˚C for 20 min. 2.2. 16S rRNA Gene Sequences, Phylogenetic Analysis and Morphological Observa tion Genomic DNA of isolate HY-1 was extracted using a SK1201-UNIQ-10 column type bacterial DNA Isolation Kit (Sa n gon ,Shanghai,Chin a). The 16S rRNA was am- plified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR Thermal Cycler, BBI, Canada) using universal primers (7f, 5'-CAGAG T- TT GATCCTGGCT-3' and 1540r(1522), 5'-AGGAGGT- GATCCAGCCGCA-3'). The PCR reaction system con- sisted of: 10pmol of template; 1ul of primer up (10 uM); 1 ul of pri mer down (10 uM); 1 ul of dNTP mix (10 Mm each); 5 ul 10*Taq reaction buffer; 0.25 ul Taq(5 u/ul) and added water to 50 ul. Genes were amplified by pre-denaturation at 9 8˚C for 5min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95 ˚C for 35 s, annealing at 55˚C for 35 s, and elongation at 72˚C for 90 s, then by a final of ex- tension at 72˚C for 8 min. The PCR products were puri- fied and sequencing by a DNA Sequence r (3730, ABI, USA). The closet matching sequences in the GenBank database were searched using the BLAST program and the phylogenetic tree was established by the PHYLIP software. Some fresh HY-1 cells were put on the micro- slide and dyed by safranine for 1-2min, then observe it by fluorescence convert microscope (LEICA, DMI3000B, Germany). Gram stain method and colony characteristic were also considered. 2.3. Carbon Source Utilization Seven kinds of carbon sources, including sodium acetate, sodium citrate, glucose, soluble starch, sodium oxalate, sucrose and sodium succinate, were used as different substra t es in experiments. The carbon source medium contained the following (g·l–1): NaNO3, 1; KH2PO4, 1; NaCl, 0.15; pH, 7.0-7.3; C/N (molar ratio), 12; water, 100 ml. Autoclave them at 121˚C for 20 min. Then transfer some HY-1 cells from plate medium into 10 ml aseptic water which was fully shaken up. After that, in- oculate 0.5 ml cell suspension into every different carbon source medium. Culture them in the shaking table with stirring rate of 160 r/min and 30˚C for two days. Initial values of medium were as follo ws: NO3-N, 221.3 mg·l–1; pH, 7.3; NO2-N, 0 mg·l–1. Growth condition was ob- served and nitrate removal rate, nitrite concentration, OD600 (Spectrophotometer, 2100, Unico, USA) and pH (pH Meter, pH221, HANNA, Italy) were analyzed. 2.4. Influence of Initial Ammonia and Nitrate Concentration The optimum carbon source was set as sodium acetate and original mediu m of initial nitrate (a mmonia) concen- tration contained the follo wing (mg·l–1): NO3-N (NH3-N), 150 (160.5) ; KH2PO4, 500; NaCl, 150; pH, 7.0-7.3; C/N, 36; water, 100 ml. Experiment mediums were obtained by diluting the original medium to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 times by deionized water. T hen autoclave them at 121˚C for 20 min. Inoculatio n and culture methods were the same as section 2.3. Removal rates of nitrate (ammonia), nitrite concentration, OD600 and pH were analyzed after the mediums were centri fuged with 7000 r/min for 5 min (High-Speed Freezing Centrifuge, Allegra 25R, BECK- MAN , USA). 2.5. Effect of C/N The C/N medium contained the following (g·l–1): KH2PO4, 0.5; NaCl, 0.15; pH, 7.0-7.3; water, 100 ml. Sodium ace- tate was set as carbon source in the C/N experiment. C/N was set to a series of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and me- diums were autoclaved at 121˚C for 20 min. Inoculation ![]() Study on Characteristics in the Removal Proces s of Ammonia Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen by an Isolated Heterotrophic Nitrification-Aerobic Denitrification Strain Rhodococcus sp. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JEP 76 and culture methods were the same as section 2.3. Initial nitrate (ammonia) concentration was 50.1 mg·l–1 (79.9 mg·l–1) and initial nitrite concentration was 0 mg·l–1. Fi- nal nitrate (ammonia) concentration, nitrite concentration, OD600 and pH were analyzed after the mediums were centrifuged. 2.6. Ammonia and Nitrate removal Process of the Strain in the Mixed Solution To clarify the competitive utilization of nitrate and am- monia by the strain, a time series experiment was carried out when nitrate and ammonia coexisted in the same so- lution. The experiment medium contained the following (mg·l–1): NO3-N, 48.9; NH3-N, 77.8; KH2PO4, 500; NaCl, 150; pH, 7.0-7.3; C/N, 12; water, 100 ml. Autoclave these mediums at 1 21˚C for 20 min . Inoculation and cul- ture methods were the same as section 2.3. Take out o ne erlenmeyer flask ever y 2.5 h and centrifuge the medium. The n measure the nitrate, nitrite, ammonia concentratio n, OD600 and pH of the centrifugal liquid. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Identification, Phylogenetic Analysis and Morpho log ica l Charac ter of the St rain HY-1 strai n bacterial colony wa s salmon p ink and moist. Unde r microscope, cells of the strain were rod or coccus, and they exhibited gram positive staining. Rhodococcus sp. had these remark able charac teristics. Figure 1 showed the neighbor joining phylogenetic tree using HY-1 gene fragment and GenBank database sequences. HY-1 isolate was most similar (99%) to Rhodococcus sp. from Gen- Bank database and phylogenetic tr ee, which coincided with the conclusion of morphological character of the strain. So HY-1 was co nfirmed to b e the strai n Rhodococcus sp 3.2. Carbon Source Utilization by the Strain Carbon source[8] and C/N[9-10] are key factors influen- cing the aerobic denitrification process. The main rea- son is that perip la smic reductase whose activity was in- fluenced by carbon source was the most important re- ductase for nitrate removal. In this experiment, the re- sults show that sodium acetate, glucose, sodium succi- nate, sodiu m citrate can be used by the stra i n, b ut s ucrose, soluble starch and sodium oxalate can not be used (Table 1). It can be obtained from above result that the strain is inclined to using ionic organic carbon source or small organic molecules. Nitrate removal rate and cell growth increment were higher in ionic organic carbon solution than in glucose solution. Meanwhile, pH increased much faster in ionic organic carbon solution than in glucose solution. Obviously, low nitrate removal rate is due to strong basicity because alkalinity inhibited the microor- ganism growth and aerobic denitrification process. Ni- trite did not accumulate in all solutions possibly for the reason that nitrite reductase has higher activity than ni- trate reductase of HY -1 s t rain. Temperature and initial pH influence cell growth[11] and nitrate removal rate[12]. This strain can survive be- twee n 20˚C and 40˚C. 30˚C is the optimum temperature. Initial pH of between 5 and 9 is suitable for the strain. The re was no gro wth p heno me non when pH≤4 or pH≥10. Further more, this strain can not grow in anaerobic con- dition, and it is an absolutely aerobic bacteria. 3.3. Effect of Initial Nitrate and Ammonia Concentration The influence of initial c oncentration on nitrification and denitrification are briefly discussed as the following as- pects : 1) High initial nitrogen concentration or metabo- lites harm the microbial growth or enzyme activity; 2) Microorganism has the maximum cell density, and the nitrification or denitrification do not occur any more till cell density reaches the maximum. In this denitrification Figure 1. Phy logenetic tree of the strai n. Table 1. Carbo n source uti lization. carbon source Nitrate removal rate Final pH OD600 Nitrite (mg l-1) sodi um acetate 30.5% 9.57 ↑ 1.87 0.002 glucose 18. 7% 7.74 ↑ 1.44 0.016 sodium succinate 27.8% 9.54 ↑ 1.83 0.004 sodium citrate 29.3% 9.51 ↑ 1.86 0.008 ↑ represented pH rising. ![]() Study on Characteristics in the Removal Proces s of Ammonia Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen by an Isolated Heterotrophic Nitrification-Aerobic Denitrification Strain Rhodococcus sp. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JEP 77 experiment, pH reached to about 9.5 and nitrate was not removed completely when nitrate concentration was more than 15 mg·l–1. Obviously, OH- inhibited the deni- trification process or enzyme activity. When nitrate con- centration was lower than 15 mg·l–1, final pH did not reach 9.5 and nitrate was completely removed. However, it was surprise that OD600 was proportional to initial ni- trate concentration, which illuminated that cells kept growing even when pH reached 9.5. The possible reason is that this strain had two nitrate metabolic mode. The strain conduct s denitrification and it produces OH– when pH is lower than 9.5. Nitrate is absorbed by the strain on ly as nitroge n so urce , and pH keeps invariant when pH is higher t han 9.5. Nitrite conc e ntra tion kept low bet ween 0.04 mg·l-1 and 0.17 mg·l–1 in all various initial nitrate conc entration so luti on. Compared with denitrificatio n, HY-1 s train had higher ammonia re moval rate in nitrification. Ammonia removal rate can reach 93% when initial ammonia concentration was 80 mg·l–1. pH rose up relatively slo w in nitrification process than in denitrification process, which was totally different from H+ produced process of autotrophic nitri- fication. 3.4. Effect of C/N C/N is a key factor influencing on the form and amount of metabolites. In a certain range, the higher the carbon source concentration, the faster the denitrification rate [9,13,14]. In addition, different C/N can result in differ- ent biochemical process and metabolites in nitrification and denitrification process, and then it influences on the nitrate (ammonia) removal rate. From Fig ure 3 (Left), pH of all C/N solutions rose sharply from about 7.0 to about 9.5. It showed that the denitrification of HY-1 strain is an alkali producing process when carbon source is sodium acetate. Nitrate removal rates rose up at beginning with C/N increasing, and then it decreased when C/N>10. Nitrate removal rate reached the maximum with removal rate of 62.5% when C/N=10. Meanwhile, OD600 a lso got the max imum va lue when C/N=10, which illustrated that the strain needed an optimum substrate co ncentrat ion for gro wth and re moval process. Nitr ite did not accumulate in most C/N solutions. However,nitrite concentration reached 0.42 mg·l–1 when C/N=10 and it was much higher than in other C/N solu- tions. Compared with denitrification (Fig ure 3, Right), pH of all C/N solutions rose up relatively slow in nitrifica- tion process and the highest pH was 9.47 with a C/N of 12. Definitely, final pH was influenced by C/N and car- bon s ource wa s not suffic ient wh en C/N<1 2. In thi s situ- ation, the higher the C/N, the higher the ammonia re- moval rate. Ammonia removal rate exceeded 94% when C/N≥12. Moreover, OD600 showed similar changes to pH rising and nitrate removal rate . Nitrite concentr ation kep t very low in al l C/N solut io ns. Figure 2. Effect of initial nitrate/ammonia concentration on pH, nitr ite and nitrate/ammonia concentr a tion. Figure 3. Effect of C/N on pH, nitrite and nitrate (ammonia) concentration. ![]() Study on Characteristics in the Removal Proces s of Ammonia Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen by an Isolated Heterotrophic Nitrification-Aerobic Denitrification Strain Rhodococcus sp. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JEP 78 Figure 4. Ammonia and nitrate re moval process of the st rai n in the mixe d solution. 3.5. Ammonia and Nitrate Removal Process of the Strain in the Mixed Solution In this experiment (Figure 4), OD600 and ammonia re- moval rate increased slowly during the beginning 20 h, and then both sharply rose up after 22.5 h. Meantime, ammonia removal rate and pH also rose up sharply. At this time, the strain was possible in the logarithmic gr owth phase. Ammonia removal rate increased from 73.6% of 20th hour to 95.8% of 22.5th hour. The pH, whi ch increased from 8.88 to 9.34, kept moving on to about 9.55. Nitrate concentration was almost unchanged during beginning 20 h. After 20 h, nitrate concentration decreased lightly, and then reduced from 48.9 mg·l–1 to 45.7 mg·l–1. So the nitrate removal rate was only 6.5% after 30 h. Obviously, the strain conducted nitrification prior to denitrification when ammonia and nitrate coex- isted in the s ol ution. Therefore, ammonia was use d fir st ly by the strain and nitrate was used only when ammonia was completely removed. Nitrite concentration kept a very low level(<0.01 mg·l–1) during the beginning 25 h, and then increased slightl y to 0.06 mg·l–1 aft er 2 5 h. This phenomenon also showed that denitrification started conducting when ammonia was al most removed. 4. Conclusions This work selected an aerobic heterotr ophic nitrification- aerobic denitrificatio n strain which belongs to rhodococcus sp.. This strain can use nitrate and ammonia as nitrogen source, and it also can use sodium acetate, glucose, so- dium succinate and sodium citrate as carbon source in denitrificatio n. 15 mg·l–1 and 80 mg·l–1 were the best initial ammonia and nitrate concentration for denitrific a- tion and nitrification re spectively. A C/N of 10 and a C/N of 12 were the best C/N ra tio in the nitrate and a mmonia removal process respectively. pH value was the most important factor inhibiting nitrate and ammonia removal process because pH rose up to a very high value in both processes. In addition, this strain gave priority to utilize ammonia as nitrogen source to nitrate when ammonia and nitrate coexisted in the solution. REFERENCES [1] D. D. Foeht, ,W. Versrtaete. “Biochemical ecology of nitrification and dinirtification”. Adv Microbial Ecol, Vol. 1, N o. 5, 1997, pp. 135-214. [2] B. K. Mobarry, M. Wagner, V. Urbain, B. E. Rittmann and D. A. 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