J. H. CHEN ET AL. 71
temperature and light of every corner of the classroom,
and according to the predetermined threshold to adjust
the brightness of classroom’s floodlight and air-condition
temperature automatically, according to the outdoors
light intensity to adju st curtain height, etc., they can pro-
vide a comfortable study environment to learners, and
promote learners to learn it well. In addition, the lig ht, air
conditioning, computer equipment of classroom and la-
boratory can control the power switch according to per-
sonnel entrances automatically. The supply load of the
learners’ dormitory can realize real-time remote moni-
toring through campus network, it quickly found that the
great change of electricity load, prevent fire, electric
shock, etc. [9]
3.5. Sensor Technology Used in Information
Collection of Intelligent Learning
The method of collecting information of intelligent
learning environment includes automation and artificial:
automation is to collect data way from the objective en-
vironment through the sensor equipment, such as the
physical environment information, audio and video mon-
itoring information and various sensor information re-
lated to the learners at the even t site. [10] The method of
collecting information of automation information in-
cludes data crawling, the sensor technology and the de-
sign of human-computer interaction. Data crawling is
often used in acquisition and analysis of related data in
massive dataset. The feasibility of method of data acqui-
sition depends on a direct or indirect relation between
data collected and learning activities, and the data scale.
For example, in order to analysis learning process of
learners in online learning situation, collecting learners
keywords retrieval records from study system, and anal-
ysis of keywords trend of learners through the text min-
ing algorithm.
3.6. Sensor Technology Used in Equipment
Sharing of Intelligent Learning Environment
The wireless sensor network and sensor technology
equipment can be used for real-time monitoring, bearing
the RFID label to the various types of equipment or sen-
sor installation, distribution of personal management to
carry out unified management and scheduling. When the
equipment idle, wireless sensor first time can inform
management center, remind administrator, see the posi-
tion of the equipment from the screen, and let the re-
quester use; When the equipment is in use state, the sen-
sor technology read equipment information, and match
carriers identity information (prior to equipment owner
distribution identity information sensor technology,
combined with the smart card), matching information
show that equipment is in use state, and equipment own-
er receive message through the SMS platform, providing
visual management for manager.
4. Conclusions
Along with the development of the sensor technology
and the promoting of “intelligent city”, intelligent learn-
ing environment construction will become the main de-
velopment direction of future information, intelligent
learning environment construction, as a new things,
many schools will feel lost in planning and watching,
because there is no successful case can reference, there is
no authoritative saying to the understanding of “intelli-
gent”. This paper has exploration and research to the
sensor technology in the intelligent of learning environ-
ment management, organization, the learners library con-
struction, information collection, information monitoring
and equipment sharing application of, for intelligent
learning environment construction planning for reference,
according to the “intelligent the earth” and “intelligent
city” idea of constructio n.
5. Acknowledgements
The paper, the Department of Yibin University pedagogy
first discipline funded
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