Figure 5.
Comparison of gr ades obtained from control and expe rimental group.
Results in the shadow rectangle are from Group B, the con-
trol one. A drastic difference between the two groups can be
observed. The exam is basically composed of problems that
involve handling of equations where the students need to un-
derstand what the problem is asking and what they need to
know to solve it. It means the student must have a deep under-
standing of physical concepts behind the equation. Most of the
students of control group have got NA, while the experimental
Ones are in SA average; it means focusing in the concepts helps
increase the understanding of the theory and therefore their
course grades. Around 2.4% of students from Group A have
obtained DE, while 15.8 % from Group B have obtained the
same grade. A drastic difference is founded analyzing this spe-
cific grade. From Group A 33.33% of students have approved
(grades above SA), on the other hand 73.7% of the students of
group B have approved, i.e. more than twice. Nevertheless just
1.32% of students achieve the AU grade. More work needs to
be done in the aim to increase the AU percentage, which basi-
cally means the students get involved in their learning process
as an active actor, and consequently they will get higher cour-
ses grades. It can be said that a combination of student motiva-
tion and their active involvement in the teaching-learning pro-
cess it is possible to improve their understanding of a topic as
difficult as telecommunications.
To all the students who have been designing and developing
the tools presented in this work and supporting the proposal, for
their really important feedback to improve some activities and
teaching techniques or suggesting others to be incorporated. To
all of the teachers that have done great efforts about the teach-
ing–learning process improvement, trying to design more effi-
cient academic tools and ease to use.
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