has been cited by the following article(s):
In the Optical Effects, the One-Way Synchronization Foresees Transformations Conserving Simultaneity and Spacetime Continuity, Replacing the Two-Way Einstein …
2024 |
Gravitational time advancement effect in Bumblebee gravity for Earth bound systems
The European Physical …,
2023 |
A Euclidean geometric model that has a maximum speed c
Physics Essays,
2023 |
A Study of the Behavior of Mass of a Particle (Matter) under Gravitational Interaction with Another Particle in Relativistic Motion and the Mathematical Model
Open Access Library Journal,
2023 |
Sagnac effect in special relativity
2023 |
Optical data implies a null simultaneity test theory parameter in rotating frames
2021 |
Assessment of the relativistic rotational transformations
2021 |
Light Propagation on a Moving Closed Contour and the Role of Simultaneity in Special Relativity
European Journal of Applied Physics,
2021 |
The Sagnac effect and the role of simultaneity in relativity theory
2021 |
Testing Absolute vs Relative Simultaneity with the Spin-orbit Interaction and the Sagnac Effect
2019 |
Light propagation and local speed in the linear Sagnac effect
2019 |
Dialogs on various relativistic paradoxes
2017 |
The notion “speed” and the Lorentz transformations”
2017 |
The notion “speed” and the Lorentz transformations
2017 |
An approach to directly probe simultaneity
Modern Physics Letters A,
2016 |
Simultaneity in wavepacket reduction
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.04084,
2015 |
Implications of an Absolute Simultaneity Theory for Cosmology and Universe Acceleration
PloS one,
2014 |
A standard Euclidean model that has a maximum speed c
Gravitational time advancement effect in Bumblebee gravity for Earth bound systems
The European Physical Journal Plus,
Optical data implies a null simultaneity test theory parameter in rotating frames
Modern Physics Letters A,
Assessment of the relativistic rotational transformations
Modern Physics Letters A,
An approach to directly probe simultaneity
Modern Physics Letters A,
Implications of an Absolute Simultaneity Theory for Cosmology and Universe Acceleration