Brugada Syndrome: Anesthesia Management ()
Brugada’s Syndrome (BrS) is a rare but highly risky medical condition. It is a genetic disorder that may result in Ventricular Fibrillations (VF) that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. The highest possible standards of safety in anesthetic medications must be followed and adequate measures must be taken with sufficient monitorization in patients with BrS. We wanted to mention the importance of monitorization in the early detection of possible complications and a careful follow-up even though no administration of anesthetic medication is present.
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Erkiliç, E. , Özcan, A. , Gümüş, T. , İslamoğlu, Y. , Akaycan, B. and Kanbak, O. (2021) Brugada Syndrome: Anesthesia Management.
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines,
9, 147-153. doi:
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