Ion exchange recovery of palladium (II) from nitrate weak acidic solutions
Olga N. Kononova, Nataliya G. Goryaeva, Olga V. Dychko
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2009.13021   PDF    HTML     6,894 Downloads   14,395 Views   Citations


Sorption recovery of palladium (II) from nitrate weak acidic model solutions and solutions of spent catalysts on some ion exchangers with different physical and chemical structure has been investigated. The palladium concentration in contacting solutions was 5.0 ? 10-5 – 1.0 ? 10-3 mol/L at nitric acid and potassium nitrate con-centrations 0.01 and 1.0 mol/L, respectively. It was shown that anion exchangers AV-17-8 as well as Purolite S 985 and A 500 possess the best sorption and kinetic properties. These sorbents can be recommended for selective recovery of palladium from solutions of spent catalysts.

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N. Kononova, O. , G. Goryaeva, N. and V. Dychko, O. (2009) Ion exchange recovery of palladium (II) from nitrate weak acidic solutions. Natural Science, 1, 166-175. doi: 10.4236/ns.2009.13021.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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