Aspiration of foreign bodies that allow air passage through
Demet Can, Ozge Yilmaz, Suna Asilsoy, Saniye Gulle, Hasan Yuksel
DOI: 10.4236/ojped.2011.14021   PDF    HTML     4,359 Downloads   7,664 Views   Citations


Foreign body aspiration is commonly encountered in children. In cases that foreign body does not disturb respiratory physiology, clinical and radiological diagnosis may be delayed leading to severe complications. Four cases with aspiration of a foreign body not obstructing ventilation and without typical clinical and radiological findings are discussed.

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Can, D. , Yilmaz, O. , Asilsoy, S. , Gulle, S. and Yuksel, H. (2011) Aspiration of foreign bodies that allow air passage through. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 1, 90-93. doi: 10.4236/ojped.2011.14021.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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