Mechanism of chemiluminescence in Fenton reaction


A scheme of the processes in Fenton solution with various substances is offered, and the channels of light formation registered by the luminometer are analyzed. Under the proposed scheme we discuss the possibilities of studying the properties of antioxidants and prooxidants. Oxidation of alanine, albumin and sodium oxalate have been taken as an example. The properties of ascorbic acid and the mechanism of display of its oxidant and prooxidant properties are analyzed herewith. Methodical questions of the chemiluminescence research in Fenton solution such as the selection of reagents concentration, water preparation and the effect of the background radiation have been considered in this study as well.

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Ivanova, I. , Trofimova, S. , Piskarev, I. , Aristova, N. , Burhina, O. and Soshnikova, O. (2012) Mechanism of chemiluminescence in Fenton reaction. Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, 3, 88-100. doi: 10.4236/jbpc.2012.31011.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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