Radiation Effects on Free Convection MHD Couette Flow Started Exponentially with Variable Wall Temperature in Presence of Heat Generation


Radiation effects on free convection MHD Couette flow started exponentially with variable wall temperature in the presence of heat generation have been studied. The governing equations are solved analytically using the Laplace transform technique. The variations of velocity and fluid temperature are presented graphically. It is observed that the velocity decreases with an increase in either magnetic parameter or radiation parameter or Prandtl number. It is also observed that the velocity increases with an increase in either heat generation parameter or Grashof number or accelerated parameter or time. An increase in either radiation parameter or Prandtl number leads to fall in the fluid temperature. It is seen that the fluid temperature increases with an increase in either heat generation parameter or time. Further, it is seen that the shear stress at the moving plate decreases with an increase in either magnetic parameter or radiation parameter while it increases with an increase in either heat generation parameter or Prandtl number. The rate of heat transfer increases with an increase in either Prandtl number or time whereas it decreases with an increase in heat generation parameter.

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Das, S. , Sarkar, B. and Jana, R. (2012) Radiation Effects on Free Convection MHD Couette Flow Started Exponentially with Variable Wall Temperature in Presence of Heat Generation. Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 2, 14-27. doi: 10.4236/ojfd.2012.21002.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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