The current state of the plant diversity in the Tlemcen region (Northwest Algeria)


Tlemcen region is characterized by a Mediterranean climate, with a remarkable vegetal cover. The latter is influenced by the anthropozoological action. For that, we realized a phytoecological study based on the minimum area classical method [1] which allows us to have a good overview on plant biodiversity and better analyze and interpret the vegetation at different levels (systematic composition; biological, morphological and biogeographical characterizations; stratification; and plant species inventory which we hope comprehensive). The results show that our ecosystems are disrupted because therophytisation, before last vegetation dynamics element [2], settles giving up a few feet of cork and holm oaks species of ancient forest.

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Henaoui, S. and Bouazza, M. (2012) The current state of the plant diversity in the Tlemcen region (Northwest Algeria). Open Journal of Ecology, 2, 244-255. doi: 10.4236/oje.2012.24028.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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