The Relationship between the Leadership Styles of Lebanese Public School Principals and Their Attitudes towards ICT versus the Level of ICT Use by Their Teachers


This study investigates the relationship between the leadership styles exhibited by almost 50% of the total population of public school principals (N= 651) in Lebanonand their attitudes and the level of use of technology for educational purposes in their schools. Datawerecollected by surveying school principals via two questionnaires. Moreover, one teacher from each participant public school (N=651) completed a questionnaire pertaining to the level of use of technology in the school. Findings suggest the existence of positive correlation between the autocratic leadership styles of school principals and their negative attitudes towards the use of ICT for educational purposes. In addition, the results of the study accentuate another positive correlation existing between principals’ attitudes towards the use of ICT for educational purposes and the level of its use by their teachers in schools. Recommendations for further research and implications for school leadership and training programs are provided.

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Ghamrawi, N. (2013). The Relationship between the Leadership Styles of Lebanese Public School Principals and Their Attitudes towards ICT versus the Level of ICT Use by Their Teachers. Open Journal of Leadership, 2, 11-20. doi: 10.4236/ojl.2013.21002.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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