Time of Day Effect on Soccer—Specific Field Tests in Tunisian Boy Players


The purpose of this study was to investigate the diurnal variation in some specific skills performance during field testing in boy’s footballer. In a balanced and randomized study design, 15 boys (mean ± SD; age 12.7 ± 1.1 years; height 1.54 ± 9.1 m; body mass 45.1 ± 3.2 kg) participated in the study. Subjects performed some specific soccer skills (kicking accuracy, ball control with the body, ball control with the head, coordination test, zigzag running (i.e., agility), zigzag with the Ball (i.e., dribbling) and the skill index (i.e., the ratio of the zigzag running without and with the ball) at two different times of day: 07:00 and 17:00 h. Moreover, intra-aural temperature was measured at both time-of-days. Intra-aural temperature was higher in the evening than the morning (P < 0.01). Likewise, a significant time-of-day effect was found for dribbling (P < 0.05) and agility (P < 0.001) with higher performances observed at 17:00 h. However, no significant differences were noticed between 07:00 and 17:00 h for the skill index, kicking accuracy, ball control with the body, ball control with the head and coordination tests. The intra-aural temperature was found to be significantly correlated with the speed of dribbling and agility (P < 0.001). In conclusion, a diurnal variation in intra-aural temperature, agility and dribbling were shown to be present. No time-of-day effect was observed for the coordination, skill index, kicking accuracy and juggling performance.

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Gharbi, A. , Masmoudi, L. , Ghorbel, S. , Saïd, N. , Maalej, R. , Tabka, Z. and Zaouali, M. (2013) Time of Day Effect on Soccer—Specific Field Tests in Tunisian Boy Players. Advances in Physical Education, 3, 71-75. doi: 10.4236/ape.2013.32011.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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