Prediction Models for Total Customer Satisfaction Based on the ISO/IEC9126 System Quality Model


The profitability of the system product is decided on the sales of the product. Furthermore, a customer satisfaction for products quality and a price have a big influence on the sales of the product. It spends limited financial resources effectively to raise the profitability of the system product, and it is necessary to realize the high quality product correspond to the customer needs as much as possible. There may be close relationship between cost of a product and an expense to implement the individual inherent attribute of system product. For the purpose of improvement of the customer satisfaction for quality of system product, the method of quantitative quality requirement and evaluation based on the ISO/IEC9126 quality model that includes six quality characteristics is widely recognized. However, independency among each quality characteristic has not been sure and the suitability of method for quality requirement of system product by using these six quality characteristics could not certified statistically. In the precedent study, introduced the requirements definition method for the quality of system product based on the system quality model defined in ISO/IEC9126 and proposed the effectiveness of it statistically. This study have measured the customer satisfaction for the system quality from the viewpoint of six quality characteristics quantitatively and confirmed the effectiveness of the technique to evaluate. In this study, we have confirmed the relationship between inherent attributes of the product and quantitative result of a measured value of total customer satisfaction from the view point of six quality characteristics statistically. This study performed the trial to clarify the relations with the inherent attributes that quantitative result of a measurement of the customer satisfaction based on six quality characteristics by the quality model of ISO/IEC9126. In addition, this study performed the development of the prediction model to estimate the total customer satisfaction for the system product from the view point of inherent attribute of the product. In this paper, we propose the effectiveness of application of the estimated prediction model and possibility of improvement of the total customer satisfaction of a system product.

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K. Esaki, "Prediction Models for Total Customer Satisfaction Based on the ISO/IEC9126 System Quality Model," American Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2013, pp. 393-401. doi: 10.4236/ajor.2013.34037.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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