The Transformer Equipment Selection’s Update Decision Technical and Economic Analysis Model ()
Jincheng Shang,
Zhongfu Tan,
Chen Zhang,
Liwei Ju
Henan Grid Power Exchange Center, Zhengzhou, China.
Research Institute of Energy Environmental Economic, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China.
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2013.54B027
Based on the current situation of the domestic transformer equipment selection, the paper analyses the SH15, S11 and S9 transformer from the angles of annual running power consumption, payback period, energy efficiency of the transformer, furthermore, determine the best optimal capacity, load factor and update Year of the SH15-type transformers. Example analysis results show that, from the point of view of the technical and economic the SH15-type transformer has better economic and environmental benefits, and large capacity SH15 transformer better comprehensive benefits.
Share and Cite:
J. Shang, Z. Tan, C. Zhang and L. Ju, "The Transformer Equipment Selection’s Update Decision Technical and Economic Analysis Model,"
Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 4B, 2013, pp. 143-147. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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