Comparative Analysis of Cartographic Literacy in the Selected Curricula at the Primary Level


Basic knowledge of maps, because of its widespread use, has become a part of the individual’s modern literacy. This is why we were interested in how this kind of literacy is represented in schools, when it occurs and how it is upgraded. Based on the study of literature we have formed criteria of cartographic literacy and based on the comparative method we have compared curricula for the lower stage of primary education of two countries (England and Slovenia). We found that cartographic literacy is given most attention, as well as in content as in didactic recommendations, in the Slovene curriculum for Social Studies (second triad). But according to the pupils’ cognitive abilities, it is being introduced too late. In the English curriculum for Geography initial cartography is far more dependent on the teachers and their cartography knowledge (or lack of it) because of the general definition of objectives and lack of recommendations. A combination of such an open curriculum and teacher’s cartography knowledge (or lack of it) can push cartographic literacy a step back from other content. That is why educating teachers and paying attention to the matter either in the curriculum or in textbook sets is of utmost importance.

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Hus, V. and Hojnik, T. (2013) Comparative Analysis of Cartographic Literacy in the Selected Curricula at the Primary Level. Creative Education, 4, 757-761. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.412107.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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