Assessment of Violence and Associated Factors among Rural High School Female Students, in Hadiya Zone, Southern Nation and Nationalities Peoples’ Region, Ethiopia, 2013


The objective of this study is to assess violence and associated factors among rural high school female students in Hadiya zone, Ethiopia. A school based cross-sectional quantitative study was employed. Multistage sampling technique was used to select study subjects. Self administered questionnaires were used to collect the data and study was conducted on 801 rural high school female students in Hadiya Zone from March 25 to April 25/2013. The overall percentage of physical, sexual or psychological violence was found to be 62.20% during their high school education. Using alcohol by students and their parents, mother education was the risk factors for the occurrence of physical violence. Alcohol used by students and parents father education and marital status highly attributes to sexual violence. Alcohol used by student and mother occupation was variables associated to psychological violence. This finding concludes that violence is highly prevalent among rural high school female students in Hadiya zone and use of alcohol, marital status, parental education and occupation were the main contributing factors. School officials and other concerned organizations should strengthen the communication with students, parents and community leaders about the physical, sexual and psychological violence.

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Letta, T. , Feleke, A. and Derseh, L. (2014) Assessment of Violence and Associated Factors among Rural High School Female Students, in Hadiya Zone, Southern Nation and Nationalities Peoples’ Region, Ethiopia, 2013. Open Access Library Journal, 1, 1-14. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1100659.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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