Cosmic Redshift, Temperature, Growth Rate and Age in Stoney Scale Black Hole Cosmology


Throughout the cosmic evolution, currently believed cosmic “critical density” can be shown to be a default result of the “positively curved” light speed rotating black hole universe “mass density”. As there is no observational or experimental evidence to Friedmann’s second assumption, the density classification scheme of Friedmann cosmology must be reviewed at fundamental level and possibly can be relinquished. With cosmic light speed rotation galactic rotational curves can be understood. The observed cosmic redshift can be reinterpreted as an index of “cosmological” thermodynamic light emission mechanism. Clearly speaking during cosmic evolution, at any time in the past, in hydrogen atom—emitted photon energy was always inversely proportional to the cosmic temperature. Thus past light emitted from older galaxy’s excited hydrogen atom will show redshift with reference to the current laboratory data. Note that there will be no change in the energy of the emitted photon during its journey from the distant galaxy to the observer. Past high cosmic temperature may be the root cause of observed super novae dimming. By considering the “Stoney mass” as the initial mass of the baby cosmic black hole, past and current physical and thermal parameters (like angular velocity, growth rate, age, redshift, thermal energy density and matter density) of the cosmic black hole can be understood. For a past cosmic temperature of 3000 K, obtained redshift is 1100. From now onwards, CMBR temperature can be called as “Comic Black Hole’s Thermal Radiation” temperature and can be expressed as “CBHTR” temperature. Current cosmic black hole is growing at a rate of 14.66 km/sec in a decelerating mode. In view of the confirmed zero rate of change, the current CMBR temperature (from satellite data) and zero rate of change in the current Hubble’s constant (from satellite data), it can be suggested that, current cosmic expansion is almost all saturated and at present there is no significant cosmic acceleration. From microscopic physics point of view, can be considered as a true index of future cosmic rate of expansion.

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Seshavatharam, U. and Lakshiminarayana, S. (2014) Cosmic Redshift, Temperature, Growth Rate and Age in Stoney Scale Black Hole Cosmology. Open Access Library Journal, 1, 1-16. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1100613.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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