Bi-Factorial Interactive Effects of Osmotic Potential and Lead on the Content of Na+, K+ and Pb2+ Ions in Three Cultivars of Triticumaestivum L.


This investigation was carried out on three cultivars of Triticumaestivum L. namely: Sakha93, Giza168 and Jizan baladi. The Plants were grown in hydroponic solution and treated by ion-deficient cultures under different osmotic water potential levels and Pb concentrations. The results indicated that, the Na+ content was low in roots of Sakha93 and Giza168 shoot, while the high Na+ content was observed in Giza168 root and Jizan baladi shoot. The K+ content was higher in Giza168 plants than in the rest plants. The lead content in roots was gradually increased with increasing Pb concentrations of deficient salinity cultures. The Pb content in roots was markedly decreased under different Ψs levels. The interaction (Ψs × Pb) had a significant effect on the content of Na+, K+ and Pb in roots and shoots except in case of Giza168. The Pb content was affected by Ψs singly. The significant correlations between K+ and Na+ in shoots and roots of tested plants under the Pb, Ψs or their interaction were positive and between Na+ or K+ and Pb were negative.

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Farghali, K. and Quronfulah, A. (2014) Bi-Factorial Interactive Effects of Osmotic Potential and Lead on the Content of Na+, K+ and Pb2+ Ions in Three Cultivars of Triticumaestivum L.. Open Access Library Journal, 1, 1-11. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1100803.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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