Higher-Order Duality for Minimax Fractional Type Programming Involving Symmetric Matrices
Caiyun Jin, Cao-Zong Cheng
DOI: 10.4236/am.2011.211196   PDF    HTML     3,751 Downloads   7,213 Views   Citations


Convexity and generalized convexity play important roles in optimization theory. With the development of programming problem, there has been a growing interest in the higher-order dual problem and a lot of related generalized convexities are given. In this paper, we give the convexity of (F, α ,p ,d ,b , φ )β vector-pseudo- quasi-Type I and formulate a higher-order duality for minimax fractional type programming involving symmetric matrices, and give the weak, strong and strict converse duality theorems under the condition of higher-order (F, α ,p ,d ,b , φ )β vector-pseudoquasi-Type I.

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Jin, C. and Cheng, C. (2011) Higher-Order Duality for Minimax Fractional Type Programming Involving Symmetric Matrices. Applied Mathematics, 2, 1387-1392. doi: 10.4236/am.2011.211196.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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