The Study of Green Compression Strength of a Green Sand Mould Using Statistical Approach
Aondona Paul Ihom, Aniekan Offiong
Moulds, Statistical Approach, Study, Sands, Green Compression
Materials Sciences and Applications,
Vol.5 No.12,
ABSTRACT: The study of green
compression strength of a green sand mould using statistical approach has been
undertaken. Empirically generated data in National Metallurgical Development
Centre, Jos Sand Testing Laboratory were used for the study. Coefficient of
correlation, coefficients of determination and coefficient of multiple determinations
were used to explain the relationship existing between the two independent
variables of clay and moisture content and green compression strength, the
dependent variable. The study showed that the coefficient of determination for Ys: X1 was 0.88 while the coefficient of correlation was
0.94, coefficient of determination for Ys: X2 was 0.90 while the
coefficient of correlation was 0.95 and the coefficient of multiple determination
was 0.72; these coefficients assisted tremendously in the study of green
compression strength. A mathematical model was developed for the
prediction of green compression strength; it was tested and proved to be a good
estimation tool for estimating green compression strength values on the foundry
shop floor. The study has clearly shown that statistical approach is a good
tool for studying green compression strength of green sand moulds.