Methods of Learning in Product Development Contexts
Anderson Dalmaz, Osmar Possamai, Aaron J. Armstrong
Learning, New Product Development, Review
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management,
Vol.5 No.11,
ABSTRACT: Learning is an important factor for the success of a company. And individual learning is the fundamental unit of the company’s learning. Given the importance of this relationship, this research aims to search what are the methods that project members use to learn in a product development context. To answer this question, a literature review was carried out to identify different methods of learning and its descriptions. Thirteen different methods were identified: eight formal and five informal methods. Wherein the latter is the most used to transfer knowledge among projects [1]. Methods can be divided, also, on methods to register knowledge and to gather information [2]. Informal methods are unmanageable by their nature. So it is hard to control if they are really transferring good practices among project members. So it’s important for the company to support formal ways of learning transfer rather than relying on informal ways. Among identified methods, post project review is an example of a method well studied in the literature. It was even included in the PMBOK as a good practice of project management. On the other hand, active learning within the product development context needs further studies. Other methods are individual experience, individual registers, and individual checklists, learning through project leaders, stories and metaphors, after action review, micro articles, learning histories, learning database, checklists and company documentation. Finally, opportunities for further research were identified and suggested.