Reflections on Clinical Reasoning in Gestalt Therapy
Adelma do Socorro Gonçalves Pimentel, Kamilly Souza Vale, Lorena Schalken de Andrade, Márcia Nami Endo Souza, Mylena Nahum Sousa Cardoso
Gestalt Therapy, Epistemology, Clinical Psychology, Management
Vol.7 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Using articles on psychotherapeutic management in Geltast Therapy published in Brazil between 2005 and 2015 as a basis, an academic literature search was performed from the Scielo data base in the Pesic site. We obtained a brief result containing 46 articles whose vast majority emphasized current clinical practices; even though, some articles indicate a propensity for rupture of this restricted tendency in favor of an integrating perspective, seeing the individual as a whole, in order to facilitate the autonomy expansion of public service users of clinical psychology. It was also observed that, for the past five years, there has been an increase in scientific production focused on clinical procedures that envisaged public policies which contributed for the renovation of the semantic field. We concluded by stressing the importance of development of research in the area of psychotherapeutic process, based on a more ecological dimension before the world.