Achieving Effective Power System Observability in Optimal PMUs Placement Using GA-EHBSA
L. Parimalam, R. Rajeswari
IEEE Bus System, Searching Algorithm, GA, Harmony, Observability, Optimal PMU Placement
Circuits and Systems,
Vol.7 No.8,
ABSTRACT: Normally, the power system observation is carried out for the optimal PMUs placement with minimum use of unit in the region of the Smart power grid system. By advanced tool, the process of protection and management of the power system is considered with the measurement of time-synchronized of the voltage and current. In order to have an efficient placement solution for the issue, a novel method is needed with the optimal approach. For complete power network observability of PMU optimal placement a new method is implemented. However, the process of placement and connection of the buses is considered at various places with the same cost of installation. GA based Enhanced Harmony and Binary Search Algorithm (GA-EHBSA) is proposed and utilized with the improvement to have least PMU placement and better optimization approach for finding the optimal location. To evaluate the optimal placement of PMUs the proposed approach is implemented in the standard test systems of IEEE 14-bus, IEEE 24-bus, IEEE 30-bus, IEEE 39-bus and IEEE 57-bus. The simulation results are evaluated and compared with existing algorithm to show the efficient process of optimal PMUs placement with better optimization, minimum cost and redundancy than the existing.