Straighthead and Agronomy Characters Testing for Selected Parent Lines and Hybrid Combinations at UAPB in 2011-2012
Bihu Huang, Zongbu Yan
Straighthead, Hybrids, Natural Field of Straighthead Occurrence
American Journal of Plant Sciences,
Vol.7 No.10,
ABSTRACT: Straighthead disease is a physiological disorder in rice and the most
widespread non-fungal disease of the U.S. straighthead greatly reduces rice
yield. Straighthead studies were most conducted in the artificial field which was
Arsenic amendment plots due to the similarity of straighthead symptoms of
Arsenic damage. To evaluate the straighthead disease resistance in natural
condition, 46 rice lines, including 24 inbred lines and 22 hybrid combinations which
were developed from breading program, were chosen for straighthead and agronomy
characters testing in a native soil where straighthead naturally induced in the
past years at University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB), Arkansas in 2011 and
2012. The straighthead of rice were rated from 0 to 9 levels, and 0 was the least
straighthead disorder and 9 was the most severe straighthead disorder. Cocodrie
(CCDR) was used as the check in this study. The results of 2011 showed that the
yields of 8 entries were higher than the check CCDR. The straighthead scores of
these 8 entries were 0 - 1 which indicated their resistance to straighthead.
The rest of the entries had lower yields than check CCDR with straighthead
scores 5 - 6 which indicated their moderate susceptibility to straighthead. The
yields were negatively related to the straighthead scores (r = -0.9178, P